Friday, May 8, 2015

White Castle HQ may become school

From Sunnyside Post:

Councilman Daniel Dromm has been in discussions with the School Construction Authority (SCA) about building a school at the old White Castle Headquarters at 69-01 34th Avenue.

The school would help ease school overcrowding in Woodside, Jackson Heights and Elmhurst, which are part of School Districts 24 and 30, which are deemed to be among the two of the most overcrowded districts in the city.


Anonymous said...

I would write that if would be fitting because a NYC public school can only prepare you to be a burger flipper, but at White Castle they don't flip the burgers! (that is the reason for the holes)

Jackson Heights Johnny said...

I believe and hope that a school would be better for this community than some new construction. I don't know how big the property is but I hope that there is some outdoor space for the kids to play in....

JQ said...

That's right. They are "steamed hams"

Anonymous said...

More UFT union Twaddle, the schools aren't overcrowded. UFT needs more teachers to increase their power within the community, and keep Mulgrew in his position. Since when is twelve students in a class "Over Crowding"

Anonymous said...

Then the public schools can train them to put the holes in the burgers. Or is that too advanced?

Anonymous said...

12 studens in a class? Which school are you/your kids attending? Cause it sure ain't like that in any Queens HS I'm familiar with.

Anonymous said...

12 students a class? That is a dream. My wife teaches kindergarden in Corona and has 25. The oldler kids can have 30. Some high schools are so crowded that they have kids comib in a 7 and leaving at 5. Dream on about 12 kids per class!

Anonymous said...

Even 25 or 30 is not overcrowded. Ask Parochial school teachers what overcrowding really is. It's not uncommon to have 45-60 students in a class.

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