Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Ridgewood roofer posts illegal signs in North Flushing

"Mysterious unwanted construction and roofing advertisements have been appearing all over North part of Flushing, Queens in tree lined and quiet residential parts of the neighborhood.

The DOT should be aware as well as any other pertaining authority to bring this "company" to the point of being fined and demand for the removal of these eyesores.
It's a terrible sighting when a person wake ups in the morning, check out thru the front window and the first thing they'll see is this terrible sighting.

Shame on these crooks who come in the middle of the night to deface our communities offering their unwanted services damaging the trees by using screws on trees and in some instances placing their ugly adds side by side on the same tree.
One is placed in front of 146-35 25th Rd., Flushing, NY 11354 and another in front of 151-07 26th Avenue, Flushing, NY 11354. The owners of these two houses should remove them and send them in a parcel to this shady company as a message not to mess with their street." - anonymous


Anonymous said...

I'm calling Oscar today and giving him a piece of my mind. Everyone should call them and tell them to stick their signs you know where.

Anonymous said...

Most instances, the contractors place these signs either outside of homes or on the homes they are contracted to work on until the job is finished--where they remove such advertising immediately. I would have contacted the owners and/or contractors prior to putting their respective addresses on blast over the internet...

Anonymous said...

However long they leave the signs up, they are illegal. Especially on trees. You do not advertise wherever you please and residential zoning does not allow for commercial advertising.

Anonymous said...

Parks is being notified to give large summonses...

Anonymous said...

It's illegal to nail anything to a tree in NYC. $500 fine .

Anonymous said...

I'm calling Oscar today too. ALOT of times.

Joe Moretti said...

They deface our communities because this city and it's elected officials do very little about this type of shit that other communities would not tolerate at all. So of course companies like this continue, since they know little will happen.

This is nothing new, just an old problem that nothing has ever been done about.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of illegal sign postings: Has Liu paid the fines levied against him from the 2009 campaign? I think it was about $500,000.

Anonymous said...

i'm going to start noting the numbers and put them into web forms to be spammed

resident said...

I passed a sign on Crocheron near 164 Street advertising kick boxing lessons.
This was attached to a DOT no parking sign.
I took out my keychain multi device and snipped the plastic ties which held it.
Then I dumped the sign in a waste bin five blocks away.
Take some initiative as a citizen.
The problem comes when the placement is too high up to easily reach.

Anonymous said...

I think if a "person wakes up in the morning" and sees this, it should take him 2 minutes to remove it and throw it away, right? Or are we waiting for a multi-million dollar government program solution? Good luck waiting-- Duh-Blazio will likely be spending his next 10 years in office trying to get more cops killed, not going after illegal signage.

Anonymous said...

This morning a gentleman from the Parks department took away this signs from a nearby tree and he said he's removing all of them, he also said that "Oscar" will be fined heavily.

Anonymous said...

Great! And now let John Liu pay for his illegal campaign signs with heavy fines. Has he paid them yet?
When a shady pol like Liu sets a bad example the fines should be trippled!

Anonymous said...

This is one instance that I approve of a graffiti strike.
Spray paint "douche bag" over these signs, or whatever strikes your fancy.

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