Friday, May 1, 2015

Pretty much everyone is opposed to Edgestone plan

From the Queens Chronicle:

A long-delayed construction project has Whitestone residents, elected officials and Community Board 7 furious at the developer for trying to change plans from 52 single-family houses to 107 townhouses.

The Edgestone Group recently met with CB 7’s Land Use Committee to discuss its plans to build the townhouses with 203 units on the waterfront at 151-45 Sixth Road.

At the recent meeting, representatives told committee members that the development of remediation plans with the state Department of Environmental Conservation to move the contaminated soil took longer than expected.

“The owner has been flip-flopping for two years and now they say they don’t have to build the waterfront park,” said Chuck Apelian, committee chairman. “They have no credibility.”

CB 7 District Manager Marilyn Bitterman said Edgestone has not filed plans with any city agency and if it wants to proceed with the additional housing it will have to go through the public review process. Back in 2008, the area was rezoned from manufacturing to R3-2.

Apelian agrees, adding that he believes the developer will clean up the site and then flip it for more money to a new owner.

He noted that area elected officials are totally against the Edgestone plan and “I think the developer will listen because no one want it.”
State Sen. Tony Avella (D-Bayside) said that Edgestone “is declaring war on the community” and that it is unacceptable to challenge the pre-approved plan. “This kind of threat will not be tolerated,” he added.

He and Councilman Paul Vallone (D-Bayside) don’t always see eye to eye, but in this case they are in agreement.

“Quadrupling the amount of units and eliminating the waterfront park is a direct attack on Whitestone’s quality of life and I stand firmly with our community to call for the developers to abandon their ill-conceived plan,” Vallone said.


Anonymous said...

Remember that your councilman has pretty much complete control over their little fife and the little people that live inside of it.

Vallone 'aint sayin nuttin.'

The Vallones were getting hit pretty heavy with that mansion fiasco they engineered so junior was probably told to take it easy for a while.

Anonymous said...

You should also look into the deal that the Vallone lobbying firm got for Transfiguration church Greek church in corona. The DOE offered a max rent of $450k and then somehow they got the DOE to fork over $625k per ytr with 8% increases Emmett five yrs. When they offered just under $600k, the churches mediator pushed then over $600k to assure that his friends the vallones and a shady real estate broker would get a $575k fee. If the church took less money they could have saved a $575k payout during the first two yrs of the new lease as well as being forced to do $1.5 million in repairs. Being greedy and shady doesn't always pay. And supposedly vallone only got $18k to work this deal out. That's a real joke!

Anonymous said...

Vallone ain't sayin nuttin'?

He's quoted in the article.

Maybe you ain't readin' nuttin'?

Anonymous said...

Maybe you ain't readin' nuttin'?

Smart man. Now you are getting the drift. You can still be quoted and not say nothin.'

Anonymous said...

Darn, I don't feel smart.

Anonymous said...

Vallone says nuttin even when he's speaking.
You got nuttin up there if you believe he represents you.
Vallone is a real estate lobbyist.
Is that Vito or Adam that's posting?
Hey goombah, see the Wizzard for a brain. Oz is only a few miles west.

Anonymous said...

Watch out for follow the buck Chuck Apaelian. He always keeps his blade sharp to stab you in the back. That sleazy SOB should be dumped from CB7.

He won't be, because he is doing the bidding of the Democratic clubhouse. Be a good boy and remain on the board. Cross the machine and you are history.

Community boards are padded with county stooges.

Anonymous said...

Does vallone get in trouble with his backers for opposing this? Maybe he loses contributions? Educate this dummy some more on how it all works, great ones.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, if his backers are mobsters like he is.
Remember the Whitehouse restaurant? They wanted to build a huge catering facility. Vallone backed them.
FU. I will not elaborate further. Get your own education, doofus.

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