Friday, May 8, 2015

People not impressed with big bad Bill

From CBS New York:

There is good news and bad news for Mayor Bill de Blasio in a new poll about the Big Apple.

The good news is the mayor’s approval rating is up 44 percent from 39 percent last year, according to the poll conducted by the Marist College Institute for Public Opinion.

Six in 10 voters also have a favorable impression of de Blasio, but only 40 percent say de Blasio is changing the city for the better, and 53 percent don’t think his policies are historic and transforming the city.

There’s also growing pessimism in the city.

Forty-nine percent of people say the city is headed in the wrong direction, and 57 percent say the overall quality of life in the city has gotten worse or remained the same in the past year.


Anonymous said...

No wonder his approval numbers are up with 3 dead cops on his resume DiBlasio is becoming a folk hero
Who are they polling? Harlem,East NY and jamaca?

Anonymous said...

Of course quality of life has gotten worst. He allows development all over the place which leads to overcrowding of neighborhoods. Whoever voted for this idiot must be an idiot themselves! Thanks a lot to the idiots that voted for this moron!

Anonymous said...

He allows development all over the place which leads to overcrowding of neighborhoods.

He cannot do shit without the backing of city council. People, grow a pair and reign those bastards in.

Anonymous said...

The shame is that we have him for another 11 years.

Anonymous said...

In other words this poll shows that there sure are a lot of idiots in New York.

Anonymous said...

He has visions of national office. The fact that he is a colossal boob doesn't seem to phase him or his backers.

Anonymous said...

he still has not answered what happened to many millions of H.U.D. taxpayer $$$$$$ that went missing ,when he was the NY/NJ Director of H.U.D., under Hud SEC.A.Cuomo.

it is reported that 24 MILLION of H.U.D $$$$$ disappeared from Baltimore ,M.D.

search for these communist revolutionaires and their connection to Castro Cuba since 1965. is it a coincidence that the U.S.Administration is now flying a plane to Havana each day?

are American tax payers going to bail out a failed Marxist regime, now that Venezuela and Russia have dumped them ?

Ms. Tsouris said...

Not one major municipal works project has been completed in Queens. The 3rd Ave. entrance to the Whitestone Bridge is still closed. The Fort Totten toilets are still not done, and that parking lot has been closed for over 2 years. Vallone is busy doing zero for our community. DeBlasio has continued the persecution of teachers that started under Bloomberg and Klein, and this culture persists. DeBlasio is a one term mayor. The only way he gets my vote again is if Eva Moskowitz, the charter school witch/queen, runs against him.

Anonymous said...

You actually admit you voted for Wilhelm? Hahahahahah!

JQ said...

Mayor Big Slow revels in the negativity. It's a common reaction of a lot of his types and most of today's transient cum citizens, taking constructive criticism or justified insults directed at them for obvious shortcomings and bad habits and undermining them."Dirt off your shoulder"

Douchehag candidate Hillary Clinton is the queen of this.

Anonymous said...

So why did they elect this gawky doofus?

Anonymous said...

Maybe the "bros" and "sisters" voted for big bad Bill's family of color. But now they don't like him either. Some voting block of color found out that they just got used by another "Whitey". Isn't "Black history" fascinating?

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