Friday, May 1, 2015

Koo doing LPC chair's dirty work

From the Queens Chronicle:

City Councilman Peter Koo (D-Fushing), chairman of the Landmarks Committee, has introduced a reform bill that will reduce the time it takes for the Landmarks Preservation Commission to consider potential sites.

The legislation (Int. 775) imposes a timeline on the designation of landmarks and historic districts.

“Landmarking in New York City is an arduous process that has kept many properties in a state of perpetual limbo, unable to reap the benefits of an actual landmark designation,” Koo said. “Since the creation of the landmarks law 50 years ago, many potential landmarks have languished on the LPC calendar for as long as 49 years with no end in sight.”

He called that inaction “unacceptable.” The legislation would give the LPC 18 months to clear that backlog.

You may recall that last year when the LPC chair announced that she was clearing up the backlog there was a shitstorm and she backed down. So she found a stooge to do this for her.


Anonymous said...

Yea like he actually cares about preserving the city when his own people are the ones responsible for most of the beautiful houses being torn down and putting crap up there!!

JQ said...

Spreading the disease of crass hideous development will be done faster.

It's AIDS with glass and concrete

Anonymous said...

I am getting the impression that between this guy, Finkelpearl, self styled culture czar Van Bramer, and others, that the Mayor can only find people from Queens, or should I say, from our leadership of Queens that operate on his world view and level.

Makes sense. Every time you see or hear him say or do something stupid just think of those wonderful souls right her that have so much control over us.

It all suddenly makes sense: Water finds if level they say. He is as loopy as our home grown variety.

Anonymous said...

Peter Koo lives in Port Washington.
WTF does he care about NYC.
You might wonder how he is a council member.
Like the Stavisky's and others, he maintains a NYC residence.

Anonymous said...

With Koo on the landmarks committee and Wellington Chen serving as an LPC commissioner, it looks like the Taiwanese -Chinese have a PAIR of stooges serving their developer friends interests.

Anonymous said...

This action has been tried before in the city council.

Anonymous said...

I'm confused. Isn't this a good thing?

Anonymous said...

No, it is not. It only looks that way. Koo is in tight with his developer friends, like Michael Lee who is building Flushing Commons on former Muni Lot #1 in Flushing.

When a shady inscrutable character like Koo proposes something that looks good on the surface, look deeper.

This is an attempt to weaken the landmarking process.

Anonymous said...

I call Koo's inaction on the messy state of affairs in downtown Flushing unacceptable. I think that the 49 years in limbo figure is inaccurate.

When it comes to administering justice, swift and certain might be good.
When it comes to considering a property for landmark designation, a slower cooked sauce might be better to the taste.

What does Koo do anyway? As little as possible, it appears.

Anonymous said...

Ok, you looked deeper, tell me what you see. How does this weaken the landmark process?

Anonymous said...

It does nothing to actually strengthen the Landmarks Law, it merely places additional burdens on an underfunded agency.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like an anti landmarking shill is posting for Koo.
Gotta be because Koo hardly speaks any English that anybody can understand. Koo represents Asian interests NOT the rest of the district he's supposed to be representing.
Yawn! Forget it Jake. It's Chinatown. What's the use.
They will be overpopulating the area soon as their real estate acquisition wagon train moves eastward towards Great Neck.

Anonymous said...

I'd say that weakens the landmarks law. If you weaken the power of ANY agency, commission or department to be able to enforce our laws, the law becomes weakened.

Koo sympathizes with the NYC real estate industry who has long been an opponent of the LPC.
Do not be fooled by Koo's beautific smile. He's a viper!

Anonymous said...

You're right! Kill this bill, leave things as they are.

Anonymous said...

“Landmarking in New York City is an arduous process that has kept many properties in a state of perpetual limbo, unable to reap the benefits of an actual landmark designation,” Koo said. “Since the creation of the landmarks law 50 years ago, many potential landmarks have languished on the LPC calendar for as long as 49 years with no end in sight.”
That's a Koo quote? The guy barely speak English! How could he have possibly said this unless it was translated from Chinese?

Anonymous said...

Maybe pervert Dennis Gallagher is still working for Koo.

Anonymous said...

Koo is here only to represent Chinese interests.
Try getting an appointment with him if you are not Asian.

Anonymous said...

Who still insists that Flooshing is not an Asian colony? Look around!

Anonymous said...

Koo did TDC's dirty work. He does.speak a dialect of Chingrish. Let' all learn Mandarin. Then we can know how bigoted Orientals are against us Occidentals.

Anonymous said...

Cuckoo Koo. Starside Drug store chain owner.

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