Monday, May 4, 2015

Feds closing in on Skelos

From the Daily News:

Federal prosecutors are expected to announce criminal charges against state Senate Majority Leader Dean Skelos and his son as early as Monday, sources told the Daily News.

Prosecutors from U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara’s office have been investigating the Long Island Republican and his son, Adam Skelos, regarding a possible conflict of interest and violations of federal corruption statutes.

The two could be hit with corruption and other charges tied to a lucrative contract awarded to an Arizona-based engineering firm that once employed Adam Skelos, 32, as a consultant, a source familiar with the matter told The News.

The company, AbTech, won the contract even though it was not the low bidder, and the feds were trying to determine whether Sen. Skelos played a role.

A spokesman for the U.S. Attorney’s office declined to comment on the matter.

The FBI did not respond to a request for comment on Friday.


Anonymous said...

Republican, Democrat it dose not matter they are both screwing the American public.
We need term limits and campaign reforms now !

Anonymous said...

Cuomo should be making another dash for Cuba any day now....

Anonymous said...

Never trust a male politician who gets weekly facials, manicures, and wears makeup.

Anonymous said...

Let's keep in mind that Cuomo fired the Moreland commission when it started investigating his office.

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to hear that oi' iron door slam closed on his crooked ass!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, right!
Can't you see Cuomo running for mayor of Havanna?
His official car will be a 1950s Chevy Bel Air.

Anonymous said...

My advice: Don't drop the soap!

Anonymous said...

Bye bye Skelos. You made your bed, now sleep in it.

Anonymous said...

Hopefully Cuomo is next. Preet Bharara for NYS Governor!

Anonymous said...

They got him! They got 'em both!
Skelos & Son. What a pair!

Guv Andy, the cuffs await you too!

ron s said...

Save tax dollars---Skelos, Silver and Cuomo can share a cell.

Anonymous said...

I like what Chairman Mao used to do with drug lords. They were given a brief opportunity to cease. If they did not they were shot and their families paid for the cost of the bullet.

Now that is a deterrent for any crooked pol who thinks he can escape screwing America!

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