Saturday, May 2, 2015

CB7 unhappy with municipal lot plan

From the Queens Chronicle:

The city announced Tuesday plans for 208 units of affordable housing — 60 of those for senior citizens — in a Downtown Flushing municipal parking lot, but it does not have the blessing of Community Board 7.

The project, called One Flushing, was brokered by the Department of Housing Preservation and Development, which members of the community board say left them out of the planning process.

In a letter dated April 24 to board members, Chuck Apelian, CB 7 vice chairman and head of its Land Use Committee, wrote that HPD “refuses to meet and include input before a developer is selected” for the project.

Apelian added that a meeting was held in March at the Borough President’s Office with HPD, but that the agency’s presentation “was extremely guarded, confusing and perfunctory, designed to limit our participation.”

He said the community board has “great concerns” about proper development “on this very narrow and complicated site” that is adjacent to the Long Island Rail Road.


Anonymous said...

Just let them build it. Flushing has already been turned into Shitsville anyway. Nobody will notice.

Jerry Rotondi said...

CB7 has applied their rubber stamp of approval to almost every building project that has come before them. How come their panties are in a bind at this late date? One Flushing ? In a fragmented community I hope this vision becomes reality.

Anonymous said...

Walls of concrete, brick and mortar are enclosing every bit of sky plane exposure and breathing space that Flushing once had. Welcome to the overcrowded Orient where life is cheap and space is tight. Is this a civilized existence for people or an extremely lucrative haul for the builders and owners?

Anonymous said...

Why, is Apelian not getting enough of a kickback from the builders?

Anonymous said...

Sounds like gene and chuck running Cb 7 meetings. Shoe on other foot sucks I guess.

Anonymous said...

Listen up you Pee On,you might vote (lol) for your elected official but we buy them,that vote thingy is to make you feel like your part of the $ystem,Fool.politicians don't hear When they hear $Yen 💰

Anonymous said...

Think your unhappy?
Try being a politician trying to get by on a government check without the scimm!!!
Cheep suits ain't free you know!

Anonymous said...

What's with the "One Flushing" name? Isn't John Choe's organization also called "One Flushing"? Does he have anything to do with naming this building project?

Anonymous said...

Another parking lot bites the dust. You would think they would at least put in more bicycle parking. Oh wait, China doesn't have any.

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