Monday, March 2, 2015

Stopping stop and frisk may have increased shootings

From AM-NY:

NYPD Commissioner William Bratton will speak publicly Monday about the latest downward crime trends in the city at a time when shootings continue to increase.

A persistent uptick in shootings has been one of the few troublesome crime trends facing Bratton since he took over as commissioner in January 2014. Police data show that shootings have increased around 17 percent so far this year over the same period last year, when the city reported an overall 6.3 percent increase in shootings.

Bratton has insisted the shootings are unrelated to the large drop in stop and frisk activity by cops. But the latest police data showed the New York City police precincts with the largest increases in shootings last year -- as well as, in a few cases, more homicides -- also reported having the lowest numbers of stop and frisks in 2014.


Anonymous said...

You don't say.

Anonymous said...

Without a doubt stopping stop and frisk has absolutely increased shootings.

All the bad guys are carrying guns now.
That was the dumbest law change I've ever seen.

Jackson Heights Johnny said...

Anyone who can't see the correlation between the slowdown of "stop & frisk" and the uptick in shootings and murders is a complete idiot.

If I was a criminal, and I had a gun, and I didn't carry it before, I sure would now, so....

I love this city, and have lived here for all of my 67 years, but I truly FEAR for the future my grandchildren are inheriting

G.M.N said...

4th amendment

Stop and frisk

Choose one you anti-American scum.

Anonymous said...

My motto:
In God we trust. All others get frisked.

Anonymous said...

Maybe the cops are afraid of being denounced by Al Sharpton.

Anonymous said...

Gee, ya' think?

Anonymous said...

GMN, So you find searches of suspicious people "unreasonable," as per Amendment IV. And you don't recognize the decision in Terry v. Ohio as constitutional.

Others differ, and they're anti-American scum?

What a simplistic, naive and rude case you make. Try to do better next time.

Anonymous said...

Where has shrinking Al been anyway? Did DeBozo pay him to go away?

Anonymous said...

The cops are afraid of the "Dante" effect. If a Black man gets frisked Mayor De Blasio will give 'Em hell! "That could have been my son"!

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