Sunday, March 8, 2015

Rockaway gives de Blasio the raspberry

From the Daily News:

“Give that man a watch!” hooted one green-clad heckler as a tardy de Blasio marched just 12 blocks of the 25-block route. He joined the parade about 20 minutes late.

Within two blocks, the boos began raining down as de Blasio walked past in a green Sanitation Department jacket and matching tie.

“Worst mayor ever!” chanted angry locals after the mayor stopped at a firehouse on Beach 116th St.

Among those joining in the raucous chorus of boos was Carole Jones, 63, a lifelong Rockaways resident.

“He didn’t come last year, so why come this year and be late?” she asked pointedly. “He’s not well-liked down here in the Rockaways. It’s nothing new for him. He’s always late.”


Anonymous said...

When will the media reveal the mayor's depression issue? He is on medication for it and that may explain why he sleeps late and doesn't arrive at a function on time. And notice how he breathes while he makes speeches .It's a medical issue that his father had who incidentally committed suicide as a result.

Anonymous said...

It should have been a rotten tomato!
If we wanted a socialist for mayor, perhaps Alexander Putin has a cousin who might run for office.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful beach.
Not-so beautiful natives.

I have gone swimming there since I was a child in 1959. my father and I would change at Curley's Bathhouse and lockers in the Atlas Hotel on the boardwalk @116th.

Local punks burned it down in early 1968.

Anonymous said...

He would have been booed even if was early.

JQ said...

I didn't christen him Mayor Big Slow for nothing.

buy that man a watch-hilarious.

His only desire to be there was a photo op at the firehouse at 116.

He will probably visit more often when it becomes the hipster paradise that was envisioned a few years ago, until Sandy came.

Troll said...

Their own fault for inviting this tool. What did they expect? In the NY Post they mention his banner went along and when he arrived he had to catch up with it. Why they didn't just dump it on the side and enjoy their parade? Who knows?

Anonymous said...

This is just amateur psychology on my part, but de Blasio's father, Warren Wilhelm, may have suffered from PTSD after losing part of his leg during World War II. He was an alcoholic and heavy smoker who killed himself when he was already dying of advanced cancer. Don't know if it was the war, his injuries, or depression that drove the father to alcohol, but I think it's a stretch to say that de Blasio suffers from depression because he's not a morning person and is always late - over 90% of all teenagers would be diagnosed with the same thing.

Boris Badenov said...

perhaps Alexander Putin has a cousin who might run for office

Who's Alexander Putin?

Or did you mean Alexander Pushkin?

Or maybe Alexander Nevsky?

Or did you mean Vladimir Putin?

I'm confused!!!!

Anonymous said...

Won't be missed on the 17th! Not one bit!!!!

Anonymous said...

Showing up for events like this on time is part of the job description. Bill, resign if you can't handle it

Ned said...

That's what they did, oh shame on those people !!
They should have thrown bricks and snowballs !


Ned said...

Anonymous amateur psychology makes a good line of reasoning
Senior had demons and junior has demons we all have demons but very few face their demons by erasing their father’s name and thereby abandoning dishonoring his own and running away to some jungle. Bill de Blasio could be now more than ever Warren Wilhelm, Jr..

From what I understand from 2 cops I know the guy DOES have emotional meltdowns in church and who knows what kind of Vatican propaganda these Catholic priests & cardinals counseling him are putting in his head when he's weak and despondent. It not like he can go to a hospital or doctor for help.
(this may explain some of his behavior especially on immigration and giving away the whole dam city but that's another story)


Anonymous said...

Hey Ned. Don't blame the Vatican for the actions of this poor excuse of a Mayor. I had 16 years of Catholic education and I don't agree with any of this Socialist mayor's policys .

Anonymous said...

It's the meds he's been on all his life. Hitler, Castro, and Mussolini, all had similar health and personal traits. He must be stopped.

JQ said...

I think The Blaz is embracing demons than battling them. As this graph illustrates

Anonymous said...

Bill Donohue of the Catholic League is definitely not a fan of Bill de Blasio.

Anonymous said...

Mayor Fugazio is just beginning his transformation of NYC into a Marxist paradise.

Anonymous said...

What an idiot. I mean twice can be an accident, but always is ridiculous. Where's his staff?

Anonymous said...

Where is his "co-mayor"-? Even if he is too zonked out on antidepressants to get up with the alarm, shouldn't she be there to push him out of bed when the alarm goes off?

Anonymous said...

Cheer up! Only 11 more years of Duh-Blaz, and Sharpton, and Charlene, and the afro kid, and the whole crew. I'm sure the City will be the better for it.

Anonymous said...

Where was his wife? Someone might think she hates white people because she didn't show up at the Rockaway St. Patrick's Day parade,

georgetheatheist said...

Just heard on Curtis and Kuby that Wilhelm is a pothead. He and the missus engage in reefer madness on the porch of G. Mansion. That's why the fences were put up to hide their toking. A retired cop caller stated that the fuzz have voluntarily left Wilhelm's coveted security detail because they have to inhale 2nd-handedly his weed exhales. That influences the cop-bodyguards' mandatory blood-testing results. Can you guess now why he's always late to events?

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