Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Heastie scored big off mafia guy

From the NY Post:

The state’s newly minted Assembly speaker, Carl Heastie, accepted cash from a mobster convicted of racketeering and steered thousands more to a man who did time for manslaughter, records show.

Between 2003 and 2008, more than $2,800 flowed into the Bronx Democrat’s campaign coffers from Tri-State Employment Services and its top executives, including reputed Bonanno associate Neil Messina, who was sentenced to 18 years in prison last April in connection with a 1992 home-invasion murder.

Heastie also directed at least $250,000 to the Bronx Business Alliance. The now-defunct nonprofit’s head, John Bonizio, was convicted of manslaughter in 1982 for bludgeoning a man to death with a baseball bat. Bonizio also made a plea deal after being indicted in the same year for trying to bribe an NYPD detective.

“Associations like these seriously undermine his attempts to show that the Assembly Democrats have turned the page,” a Democratic operative said of Heastie.

“As someone who is totally undefined in the public eye, this is a troubling first impression.”


Anonymous said...

Is anyone surprised? This guy looks like a crook. Sorry but he does. And it seems that he is.

Anonymous said...

The recycling of crooks is SOP for Albany. Replace one scum bun with another. Albany is a hideout for the hole in the wall gangs that have been operating there for more than a century. Far and away from the watchful eyes downstate, shady business will be conducted as usual.

Anonymous said...

I was hoping to see the position of Assembly Speaker die along with the political career of that POS, Sheldon Silver. Why do we need an Assembly Speaker? Why can't each elected Assembly Member's vote count as one?

Anonymous said...

Another thug takes over as Speaker.

Troll said...

Meet the new boss. Same as the old boss. Won't get fooled again!

Anonymous said...

Teddy Roosevelt tried to clean up Albany and got nowhere.

NYS is widely considered to have the most corrupt government in the country, and, like NYC, has been governed by machine pols since before the Civil War.

How to clean it up? We can start by you stop acting stupid every time one of these people walk into a room. They take advantage of you. Get that into your thick skulls.

Anonymous said...

Toby Ann Stavisky for speaker. Let's keep things openly dishonest up front.

Anonymous said...

Preet will have a field day.....Preet for Governor!!!

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