Monday, March 2, 2015

Has anyone else had a run-in with these people?

They're getting quite bold.


Anonymous said...

Trespassing is 9-1-1.

Anonymous said...

Use a nsil gun to shoot out their tires.

Anonymous said...

This doesn't happen in Whitestone. It just doesn't.

LibertyBoyNYC said...

I've thrown old Chinese men out of my back yard for hitting the recycling bins early and shoo'd away kids from sitting on my stoop. There are those that have no manners / no sense of cultural behavior.

Anonymous said...

Next time they bother you just say really loud "immigration!"

Anonymous said...

Why don't you contact boro hall and your city council since their agenda is to permanently put these people in control of Queens to ensure a steady supply of party stalwarts .. and donations.

Give them a piece of your mind and let everyone know their reaction

Anonymous said...

Unless the cops arrive when these people are on your property there is not much that can be done. Even if the cops come when they are there if they are not causing any damage or removing anything they will be told to leave.

The Asian community does not seem to understand trespassing, as they frequently go onto private property to go through garbage for cans or to pick flowers or plants from peoples yards.

The only solution is a fence with a locked gate. Unfortunately if you do anything to them as they trespass on your property you will get in trouble for harming members of our vibrant diverse community.

Anonymous said...

Next time when they are taking a tour of your backyard send someone out to their awaiting suv with a large tub of Vaseline. Start smearing it all over the windows. You are not causing any permanent damage, but it should be a laugh watching them try to remove it since you really can't see though it to drive.

I have known this method to work for people with driveways who were blocked in by someone else's car.

Anonymous said...

Get a really big dog

JQ said...

Quite bold? This creepy behavior suggests they are being emboldened to assess property, probably by those holding seats in the district.

hyper-gentrification has various disguises. Hipsters in northern Brooklyn, and the Asians in northern Queens.

My advice is to find out if they are lurking around the area bothering others, get a neighborhood watch focusing on these lowlifes, take pictures of them and their plates and hope the authorities care enough to do something.

Is Avella around that area?

Anonymous said...

I've seen elderly Asians picking through my mother's recycling bin as well.

There's really not that money in hauling huge bags of bottles over one's back at 5a.m. on a wintry morning. These elders are endangering their own health. Don't they have children and grandchildren to help them out? My grandmother never had to pick bottles to pay her bills.

Anonymous said...

This past October I came home from shopping and found a Lexus SUV parked IN my driveway. I pulled in behind, got out and heard a couple of men in the rear of my house speaking in an Asian language. They too were taking photos of my house and my neighbors. I slipped back and turned on my hose and quietly made my way to the yard.
When They saw me they smiled and the camera man kept taking pictures.
He got it first. I had the nozzle set on 'sharp stream' and hit him in the face then got the other two in a similar fashion.
They tried to scramble to the car but had to get by me and my hose. That wasn't working.
The camera guy dropped his camera and the card holding the pics fell out. I hit it with a stream and it fluttered away.
The other two were screaming and I eventually let them by but not before all were soaked.
They got into their Lexus but couldn't get out because my car was behind them.
I shut off the hose and took out my cell phone and took pics of their SUV, license plate, registration sticker, inspection sticker and VIN number.
I then got in my car and allowed them to leave.
Never saw them again.
Don't think they'll come back.
By the way, a week later I found the camera card and it contained hundreds of pics of local houses.

Anonymous said...

Report the incident to your councilman Paul Vallone. They are probably one of his clients if they are developers scoping your property for development.

Anonymous said...

A Reuters report from last year is titled: The Chinese Take Manhattan, Replace Russians as top Apartment buyers.

Anonymous said...

Well, since they refused to leave, you had legitimate fear for your safety as you had no idea what they were doing. You used that baseball bat for self defense since they were on your property and you were outnumbered.

Anonymous said...

everyone should report all of this to the news media -- that is what they are there for -- forget about Vallone they are lining his pockets for sure -- just like in Astoria with his brother Peter and the rest of these horrible people -- everyone should get together on this --

Anonymous said...

Asians don't respect the law. This is nothing new.

Anonymous said...

There's really not that money in hauling huge bags of bottles over one's back at 5a.m. on a wintry morning. These elders are endangering their own health. Don't they have children and grandchildren to help them out? My grandmother never had to pick bottles to pay her bills.

Children to help them out? Its the other way around.

When the younger generations leave home, they are tasked to bring their elders with them. They know zero English, have no education, and no real skills, so they go around to collect bottles and loiter in McDonalds.

That is what you have 12 people in an apartment. Its one or two 20/30 somethings who work real jobs, and the rest are brought along because you cant leave your ancestors behind.

Dillon said...

We Love Whitestone is a great group. So many positive things coming out of that group. If you live in Whitestone, you should definitely check me out.

Not Devon said...

Anonymous said...

Charge each of them admission and tell them no yuan allowed, just American dollars!!

Protect Whitestone!!!! said...

I like the response from the person that blocked the SUV and turned on the hose. Well Done!!!

Anonymous said...

Get a baseball bat, you are entitled to defend your property, they don't move and laugh at you in your face, wave the bat in a menacing way to warn while yelling like crazy and call the police, get yourself a decent camera to video tape them. The police only come when there's violence involved, that's what they told me once. Check your local laws on this regard.
These Asians are all over the place and every day they become more aggressive. White people now complain about them but their greed allowed the Asians to move in these neighborhoods.

Anonymous said...

That's what guns are for.

Anonymous said...

Get a super soaker water blaster and while holding the iPhone's camera in one hand soak them with the other. Get one of the strongest super soaker. Don't aim to their eyes but soak their Asian asses off your property.

Anonymous said...

"Unless the cops arrive when these people are on your property there is not much that can be done. Even if the cops come when they are there if they are not causing any damage or removing anything they will be told to leave."

- not necessarily. It depends on if it's quota time. If it's quota time they are getting DATs, and if one of the officers is desperate for an arrest that month, one or all of them will be put through the system.

To the hose guy: well done. I'm sure many would appreciate of you not so accidentally post photos of that lexus somewhere...

Tall walls make for good neighbors I guess.

Anonymous said...

I've had it happen many times to my house on Queensboro Hill. They are usually on the sidewalk or the street so there is nothing you can do.

If they are on your property, then you can call the police, but they'll be gone before you know it.

There is very low inventory in the areas Chinese want in northern queens so they are trying whatever they can to get you to sell. They take the pics and shows their relatives here or in China. I know this from experience questioning some of them.

Bottom line: they are very aggressive when it comes to property.

Anonymous said...

"Tall walls make for good neighbors I guess."

Tall walls aren't allowed in the Bowne Park area thanks to the Rickert-Finlay Covenant. That's why you have all the Asians trodding around private property and making a nuisance of themselves.

Anonymous said...

I never knew there were so many racists on this blog. There's a way to deal with things without resorting to violence or getting really aggressive. You have to understand things are different in China or wherever they might be from. You shouldn't take it out on these innocent people, they don't know any better. You SHOULD take it out at your local community board meetings and with your politicians because GUARANTEED, they're allowing and receiving whatever money they can get so this can happen. There are already high rise residential buildings in LIC going up with a Chinese company as the developer. Who allows this?? Whichever politician gets the most money, that's who. The fault is in your own backyard.

Anonymous said...

Why do all the Asian business owners get away with not hiring White and Black Americans ? I live in North Flushing for over 30 years and have never seen a non-Asian worker other than Latino wage slaves working on Northern Blvd.

Anonymous said...

" You have to understand things are different in China or wherever they might be from."

This is the type of attitude that allows these people to wander over private property and then blame our antipathy on ignorance of their culture. Perhaps these new arrivals to this land educate themselves in our culture instead of us adjusting to theirs.

Anonymous said...

These same people are doing the same in Forest Hills where Asians have now taken over this once predominately Jewish area. The problem is that they immediately stuff their multi generational family into one house. And they do not participate in or assimilate into the community. Longtime Forest Hills residents are now selling at a rapid rate as Asian realtors scour Forest Hills. There is a realtor on 69 Av that has the majority of his listings written in Chinese. Remember blockbusting of the 1970s? Something is not right .

Sir Charles James Napier said...

And the nominees for this year's award for the biggest white liberal, cultural relativist, toady, suck-up, beta-male are:

I never knew there were so many racists on this blog........ You have to understand things are different in China or wherever they might be from.

So, by your logic, if some Pakistani guy wants to commit an "honor killing" of his daughter, we should all "understand" that "things are different in Pakistan" or "wherever they might be from".

A G said...

Remember blockbusting of the 1970s? Something is not right .
Thank you for bringing that up. I live in a North Flushing coop and constanly receive real estate offers from Asian brokers under my door and in the mail. How can I make it stop? They'll have to pry this apartment from my cold, dead hands!!!

Anonymous said...

Put up a "posted" sign....with translations, of course, into all of the borough's diverse languages. Then you have legal standing to "usher" trespassers off your property. Or, get the mobsters that live in Malba, Beechurst, Whitestone to deal with the situation. Hey, it's their backyard.

Anonymous said...

You can register with the Secretary of State to be put on a non solicitation real estae list. If a broker contacts you he can have his license suspended after a few written complaints.

Anonymous said...

Attach your sprinkler system to a motion detector. A friend had great results with this upstate where deer were eating his shrubbery in his yard. Brains over brawn is usually the answer.

Anonymous said...

Call the police. Make sure the complaint is logged in on 911. I'm Asian and I definitely wouldn't put up with that. Get your cell phone out and take pics of their car. Go to the next Whitestone community meeting and voice your concerns.

By the way, many of the elderly who collect bottles aren't poor. They just do it for fun since people are going to throw away money anyway. They figure that they might as well do something and get some exercise. They are usually very stubborn and won't listen to family members when they tell them not to collect bottles.

The new mainland Chinese immigrants are known as locusts in Hong Kong. They swoop down and devour and take everything. Yes, the Chinese immigrants from Hong Kong/Canton who immigrated before the 1980's don't really like the new Communists ones much and have the same complaints about their behaviors and manners.

Unfortunately, the new immigrants are pretty much laundering money from China. The Chinese govt is cracking down on officials who accepted bribe money. The bribe money is quickly sent to several family members to purchase houses in the U.S. to hide it. So when people accept "CASH" for their houses, they're enabling them to continue doing this. I would only sell my house to people who have to take out loans. Most banks look through all the financial statements.

Anonymous said...

I never knew there were so many racists on this blog. .... There are already high rise residential buildings in LIC going up with a Chinese company as the developer. Who allows this?? Whichever politician gets the most money, that's who. The fault is in your own backyard.
AMEN but you have to understand that the most outrageous comments on this blog are written by staffers of the politicians.

They understand that the group we are trying to reach out to, the younger generation that are generally better educated and have many reasons to be politicized need to be kept focused on frivolous things like food porn.

Meanwhile, they are getting screwed by the man on every turn from crushing debt, dead end jobs, and impossible rents.

Since they have led lives pretty much insulated from the rough and tumble of life, their gentle psyches go into palpitations on the first hint of racism and the like.

And by all accounts, those hacks are doing a good job at tarring Crap.

But they can't do if forever. Reality and truth have a funny way of plopping to the surface.

Anonymous said...

I had thise dumpster divers in my recyclables. I told them I was a Viet Nam Vet & had flashbacks. Never saw them again.

LibertyBoyNYC said...

I'm no one's staffer, I am a property owner and want the culture here and rule of law here respected. I warn that if property owners take things in to their own hands, those that would flout the law will end up with a lot worse than wet trousers. People talk.

Anonymous said...

I would like to know where are all of these Asians getting all of this money?

Anonymous said...

Most of those you accuse of being "racist" are merely posters who are telling the plain truth. If the shoe fits, let an Asian put his foot in it.

Anonymous said...

We should all wear body cameras like has been proposed for police officers. This way you have a legal record should you have to defend yourself or property.

Anonymous said...

Asians looking for property to set up a baby mill, pregnant Chinese/Asian mothers getting them on medicaid and/or for ho houses. They need quiet, mostly white neighborhood to do sex trafficking in. sad but true.

Anonymous said...

Yep! Come have your baby in Fresh Meadows, Queens. Call it the Anchor Hotel. If you don't have a husband we will provide one or a donor.

Anonymous said...

Paint ball gun. Color yellow optional.

Anonymous said...

I think you have got more Bhukarians than Asians colonizing Forest Hills. Sometimes that's worse. Bhuko-barbarians are worse then The Horde.

Anonymous said...

Guy who hosed them - you're a freaking hero! I wouldn't have let them get away before calling 911 though. ;)

Let them come in my yard. I'll also turn my hose on them as I take pictures. I'll make sure to yell for my cop neighbor who has cuffs ready for when he catches these turds in our yards.

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