Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Fresh Meadows hotel plans revealed

From Queens Courier:

A new hotel in Fresh Meadows is positioning itself to be the 21st-century Ellis Island of Queens.

The hotel will serve as a stepping stone for Chinese immigrants and students looking to stay in the country or study here, according to several people close to the planning. The 11-story Hilton hotel on 186th Street is set to open in May 2016 and the developers, Mayflower Business Group of Great Neck, are positioning their hotel to serve a mixture of Chinese businesspeople, students and immigrants who can use the hotel as a base while house hunting.


Anonymous said...

More asian crap!! They are mistaking fresh meadows for queens blvd now. If I were a resident in fresh meadows, I'd be petitioning and fighting this piece of garbage. Real trash! Then people want to "claim" that I'm asian bashing when shit like this is going on?!! The asians really do have some nerve and the stupid government ALLOWS shit like this to go on!! But I can't blame the Government, I put most of the blame on the voters or lack of voters living here!!

Anonymous said...

Isn't this called race discrimination? Oh wait, I'm white so I am not entitled to even say the word "discrimination".

Anonymous said...

They have tried fighting this here's an article from early last year

Anonymous said...

That's a racist hotel. What about all the other immigrants??

Shame on the local electeds for constantly allowing the division between the races.

I live in Flushing and EVERYTHING is Asian this Asian that. How about the whites start building hotels for whites??

Try going into a supermarket in Flushing and asking a question in English. They ignore you and treat you like shit.

The electeds are kissing too much ass and have forgotten they get paid in US Dollars not Yen.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a whore house/hot sheet stop for so called Asian businessmen.

Anonymous said...

This is the future of Long Island City. Dorms for the staff and the drones.

Manhattan had better watch this - what will happen when they start to double and triple families in those spires?

Anonymous said...

The locusts are descending on Fresh Meadows. Wasn't the area originally known as "black stump"? Asians have been moving south along MainStreetm . Queensboro Hill is a Taiwanese sub colony. Then the Asians are moving east along the LIE into Fresh Meadows for some time.

Anonymous said...

Whether it was Bayside, Little Neck or Fresh Meadows....nobody gave a damn about conditions in downtown Flushing because they thought it would never affect them. It is not in their backyard. Guess again. The Flushingization of your once quiet nabe is in full swing.

Anonymous said...

Why not put these bi hotels near JFK or LGA? That is because most Aians are racists. JFK is too close to Jamaica with its people of color. LGA is too close to East Elmhurst Corona with its Latinos. White nabes are preferred for colonization. White people aren't perceived as being dangerous. Not that Asians are particularly fond of the "ghost people" as they are called. But in the meantime, until they take over, those kind of nabes will suffice.

Anonymous said...

The area is closer to Queens College. It is good for college business to have a flood of Asian students paying tuition. Education is about profit for "learning" institutions.

Anonymous said...

In the words of Donald Manes: "Queens has nothing but land to offer, and I intend to see it developed". There you have real culture or significant art, music or architecture. All of this underutilized land looks like the Great Plains to any real estate developer. Raze those "sod shanties" (cookie cutter expansion cape cod homes) and let' s build tall. This is mainly a post WW II area with little going for it. Sigh, there was once a Bloomingdales here. Now there will be more Queens crap!

Anonymous said...

Aren't there immigration quotas for different countries?

Why are there so many Asians and Latinos in NYC?

Asians have destroyed Flooshing just as the Latinos have ghettoized Corona and Elmhurst!

Queens has become one big ghetto!

Lonely Planet my ass! All those pieces talking it up are written by clueless journalist wannabes that don't have a clue as to how legitimate research is conducted!

Anonymous said...

Sorry, demographic specific hotels do not fly in this country. Anyway, they're not supposed to... "Church of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan to develop hotel serving the needs of white people..."

Anonymous said...

George Fran"ghoul"us was a Guiliani capo charged with Queens as Mayor Coordinator for the boro (what the hell is that?).

In any case, used his background as Operations Commissioner of the NYC Department of Buildings, and managed the Inspections and Violations Divisions (Let's hear it, did he not do a great job for Queens?).

He set up something called 'City Violations' whose purpose is to single out and help only the immigrants on handling building codes and navigating through the city regulations.

Perhaps this sounds like a school to teach the "nod and wink" method of building compliance to some but who knows?

In any case, the use of spinning 'Ellis Island' in the context of this project in the article is so Queens hack press.

Anonymous said...

I live in Flushing and EVERYTHING is Asian this Asian that. How about the whites start building hotels for whites??

You're stupid. It's not only cater to asians.. just happens everyone over there is asian and of course going cater to whoever give you money! If you don't have any, buzz off. It's call b.u.s.i.n.e.s.s. I see caucasians go to Flushing on weekends and buy stuff all the time what's yo pointo.

Anonymous said...

Lonely Planet was definitely paid off. Will someone be willing to squeal?

Anonymous said...

It is illegal for a hotel to cater to only one ethnicity and bar all others. They can be shut down for discrimination very easily for that.

Anonymous said...

It is illegal to cater to one race....but that only applies to doesn't apply to Hispanics or asians. My neighbor tried to eat at this chinese food place and he asked for a menu in English and they told him "no English menus" and then they walked away and didn't even serve him or acknowledge him so he walked out. This place just opened where the old abby rental use to be on northern blvd and 204th street. If that's not discrimination then I don't know what is!!

Joe said...

Oh great!
More Hong Kong assholes coming into East Hills, Manhasset snapping photos of large old property's where elderly live.

Anonymous said...

Sounds and looks like a bunch of BD. Who was paid off for this?! We are in 2015, wonder what these Chinese immigrants would of done if they had to immigrate back in the 1700's. 1800's and early 1900's they would of ran back to the motherland in a heartbeat.

Anonymous said...

Jeez what a bunch of old farts. If you want to make money sell things to people who buy them. If you want to get rich sell to the right clientel do you really want to be poor your whole life and whine and complain about neighborhoods and bs ? forget that old outdated ideas I'd rather have the money to travel and vacation anywhere I'd please instead of being a nobody

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