Sunday, March 15, 2015

Civic leader demands answer for DOB inspector shift

Letter to the Editor from the Times Ledger:

Queens Borough President Katz, State Senator Avella, NYC Mayor DeBlasio, Assemblywoman Rozic, Councilman Weprin and Assembyman Braunstein:

The Bayside Hills Civic Association is greatly disturbed to find out, via the Brooklyn Daily newspaper, that last summer building inspectors had been shifted from Queens to Brooklyn. It is no wonder that the real estate stock in the Borough of Queens is a mess and there is a proliferation of illegal and hazardous construction, renovations, and conversions of properties.

While people in Queens who want to follow the standards of the building code wait an inordinate amount of time for permits and inspections, the unscrupulous plow ahead with illegal and unsafe construction, renovations, and conversions.

The Bayside Hills Civic Association and the other civics that make up the Queens Civic Congress have repeatedly made it known to each of you and your staff that we desire quick and strict enforcement of the New York City building code. With this in mind I ask of you; “How could you let this happen on your watch?” and “What are you going to do to ensure that the Department of Buildings in the Borough of Queens is adequately staffed and that the Building Code is strictly enforced here?”

Your prompt attention to this situation is greatly appreciated.

Michael Feiner
Bayside Hills


Anonymous said...

Watch - Tony Avella will be the only one that responds!!!

Anonymous said...


We have watched a home in North Flushing get completely gutted, basement excavated and 2nd kitchen installed in the first floor.


Called 311 and local electeds and no one was able to get an inspector to get in the house.

I thought Queens was one of the best boroughs??? For what? abuse and destruction?

Anonymous said...

The city wanyts to build and build and build but they can't handle what they have.
Wake up New Yorkers

Anonymous said...

Suddenly Melinda Katz is worried and has taken up the sword as a crusader? The office of the borough president has been responsible for facilitating overdevelopment and shoddy building for years and years. Katz is a fake. She is only pretending to care so she can cozy up to the Bayside voting block when she runs for re-election.

Anonymous said...

Re MK - You got that right!

Anonymous said...

MK has spread open her pocketbook for developer bribes then smiles numerous times, then tries to act like she is a home girl.

Anonymous said...

Queens Civic Congress needs to start a program of lectures on community activism, and invite people from outside the borough to let the grass roots become aware of what other communities are doing.

Obviously Queens people are kept in the dark which is why the city did this to us. Funny, when something is an impediment to development, like the 7 train, you see them all out there, something like this, not a peep.

Just like 70 story buildings in Queens. Coming soon to your community, too.

Anonymous said...

Watch - Tony Avella will be the only one to call a press conference, with a bunch of civic people as props, and accomplish nothing in the end !!!

Anonymous said...

Watch - Tony Avella will be the only one to call a press conference, with a bunch of civic people as props, and accomplish nothing in the end !!!

Beg to differ. Every time someone doesn't toe the party script is a victory for us all.

Anonymous said...

LOL! Queens Civic Congress needs oxygen to revive it, if that is possible. They are a castrated group who nobody takes seriously anymore. The very name "Congress" (be it national or local) equates with ineffectiveness, these days. Death and taxes: Just keep paying more for less and wait for the former. Like the Great American Plains....Queens is open for settlers....sod busters...third worlders. When land is "underdeveloped" ...guess what happens? gets "developed" to the max. Has anyone noticed there is a move to end contextual zoning?

Anonymous said...

Right -Tony does not follow the the Dems script because he is truly honest, truly cares about people, and truly a Democrat (not a closet Republican like some others).

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