Friday, March 6, 2015

Auction set for large Whitestone site

From the Queens Courier:

Winter may be coming to an end, but state Sen. Tony Avella isn’t planning a warm welcome for anyone who purchases a controversial site in Whitestone if they plan on overdeveloping the property or building something that doesn’t comply with zoning.

The large property, which comprises six acres of vacant land near the intersection of 150th Street and Fifth Avenue, will be up for sale on April 10 in an auction. The site was part of the former Cresthaven Country Club and then was owned by real estate firm Whitestone Jewels LLC, but has been in foreclosure since 2007.

Avella is planning to also contest plans for development that doesn’t meet zoning on another large vacant site near the waterfront, which comprises of about eight lots around 151-45 Sixth Rd., because he and community leaders want to preserve the look of the community. The site is also zoned for smaller–sized residential uses.

Funny, you'd think the council member for the area would give a crap, but is nowhere to be seen on this.


Anonymous said...

And that would be...., STINKY?! Well, Jeez, Louise- who'd a thunk it?

Anonymous said...

Funny, you'd think the council member for the area would give a crap, but is nowhere to be seen on this.

He just got back from a cruise - give him a few months to drag his feet, er, catch up on things.

Anonymous said...

Paul Vallone is a developer's lobbyists. He will take another cruise until this all blows over. Do you think that he will want to buck overdevelopment on this site? Hell, no!

Anonymous said...

I agree where are our Council members

Thank you again Tony

Anonymous said...

If one of the Malba "goombahs" doesn't buy it , mainland China will. It will be a joust between the mafia and the tongs. I wonder who will win?

Anonymous said...

I've said it before: Avella for Mayor, Governor, President

Anonymous said...

I hope someone reasonable buys this property. Someone who cares about the community and puts up houses that are architecturally beautiful. If Asians buy it then it will look like cheap ugly box monstrosity shits.

Anonymous said...

I hope someone reasonable buys this property. Someone who cares about the community and puts up houses that are architecturally beautiful. If Asians buy it then it will look like cheap ugly box monstrosity shits.
You see this post illustrates the difference between Queens and the rest of the city.

Elsewhere there is a real civic culture, electeds with some degree of responsibility, and city-wide good government bodies that are willing to work with the above.
In Queens you have sheeple that get screwed as a matter of course but do little more than 'hope' like some battered housewife, no civic culture that really has teeth, elected officials that are the byline for irresponsible nitwits and good government organizations that don't dare set foot in the borough because received wisdom is helping anyone in Queens is a waste of time for so many reasons.

Anonymous said...

There are some neighborhoods in Queens that do care, and Whitestone is one of them. Don't paint the entire borough with that broad a brush.

Anonymous said...

When Cresthaven sold, Trump was supposed to be the first buyer.

Anonymous said...

This website always shills for Avella. It needs to register with Campaign Finance.

Queens Crapper said...

The article is from the Courier, genius.

Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said... This website always shills for Avella."
Go somewhere else troll.
Tony Avella is the man.

Anonymous said...

LOL! There is no "civic culture"? Hell, there is no Queens worth a damn either. Third rate venues is what our borough is known for, like Theater in The Park. Why do we keep on cranking the idea of bringing tourism to Queens? Where are our attractions? Torn down, like the Aquacade or rotting like the Flushing Keith's.

Leme said...

Councilman Vallone has already met with edgestone behind closed doors with his lobbyist dad. They think the deal is done. Let's hope they're wrong.

Anonymous said...

Tony Tony he's the man
If he can't do it, nobody can!

Anonymous said...

Avella can't build need that to be properly politically empowered--fact; don't see his career advancing any time soon...

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