Saturday, January 3, 2015

Watch privileged, mostly white, drunk morons act stupid and get arrested

"Two hours after 2015 became official in New York City, a dance party popped up on the Lower East Side. A bicycle rigged with a mobile sound system provided beats while two dozen or so revelers boogied and partied on Ludlow Street, literally, as the middle of the street was treated like a dance floor."

Enjoy the stupidity.

"don't take pictures, that's how people get arrested."

A woman was arrested for assaulting a police officer. She lives in Queens, but is originally from Vermont. Naturally, she was part of the Occupy Wall Street movement.


Anonymous said...

Pretty big mouthe for people who fly about thirty feet backwards at the slightest shove. Those skinny jeans must have some aerodynamic quality we're not aware of. Or maybe it is the complete lack of muscle mass.

Anonymous said...

That's embarrassing I would move out of NY if I were in that video. Goes to show you what morons these people are.
DiBlasio has encouraged these idiots.

What kind of parents raised these people to act like that in public and in front of cops??

Bunch of assholes.

Anonymous said...

Stopping a drunken street party= "no justice". Must be the end of civilization.

Anonymous said...

What has NYC become ?

Anonymous said...

"What kind of parents raised these people to act like that in public and in front of cops?"

Quoted for emphasis.

georgetheatheist said...

"Bourbon Street."

Anonymous said...

I'm starting to think that they move to NYC to get away from their parents and treat life like it's one big frat party. These people are in their late 20s and early 30s with severe cases of arrested development. The looks on their faces are so hilarious when they are being hauled off to central booking.

Anonymous said...

Dear Lord,
Hear my prayer and let every family member of the people in this video watch it. Please......

Joe Moretti said...

For all those that talk shit on black and brown people, there is nothing worse in my opinion than stupid young white people and alcohol.

Anonymous said...

"Completely unnecessary"!?!?! What morons - the whole damned bunch of them.

Where are the fire hoses??

Anonymous said...

I hate these liberals. ....they all should be sent back to the holes they fell out of.

Anonymous said...

Stupid is as stupid does.

JQ said...

this is it.

the tipping point.the nadir of generation gentrification.

like the gentleman said in the video,this has been going on a long time.In the past,the cops looked the other way because they were paying the high rents,buying the artisan foods and cupcakes,and going to all the bars and restaraunt cum bars that mayor fun size's city hall was practically giving licenses to.with all this shit that opened for them for their convenience at the expense of long established mom & pops,dives and restaurants,they still need to bring their hedonistic lifestyle on the street.

but hopefully not cop said that if they don't stop,all your little clubs will be gone,(he mentioned pianos).

and like the other guy said,this conferderacy of douches now conflates their behavior as a goddamn civil right.must have been from that santacon hearing that a judge ordained public vomiting as free speech.Maybe it's me,but this was incident was shocking.I really never seen such ignorance and defiant stupidity displayed.a repugnant use of the first amendment quoting eric garner,and that douchehag that stepped in front of the vehicle and taunted the cops(the coward took down her facebook profile).that arrogant slag should be sent to rikers.some liberals,I guess the thought of 2 cops killed eating their lunch never entered their minds.

the only bright side to this is how comical this party got stopped.

first,the bike dj.imagine how long that douche took to put that together,only to have it shut down and confiscated in a few minutes.
then that pencil neck geek trying to save the aforementioned douchehag,getting tossed like a unshaved rag doll and getting cuffed.
and that idiot filming the cops,getting nothing incriminating while cursing them out.

the cops out there did well,they displayed a lot of restraint even when those pricks were cursing them out and that one bitch was mileycyrusing in front of them.this has been a rough couple of months for them all.

as for this generation of new yorkers,beware the ides of march(make that january),you are not getting your way anymore.and don't even compare yourselves with dead black men.


ridgewood and glendale,this is coming to your towns soon.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

somebody said their moving into ridgewood and glendale? is this true

If so is la cosa nostra still in those neighborhoods? Because if so they will feast on their little establishments. I hope they make their lives living hell!!!

Anonymous said...

I call them Generation Useless !

Anonymous said...

I blame Mr Rodgers. This is what happens when an entire generation is brought up being told they were special.

Anonymous said...

Two nights at Hotel Rikers Island will remove their sense of privilege.

Anonymous said...

Occupy Wall Street crapsters from Washington, Oregon, and other West Coast shitholes. They all look and act the same. Mindless buffoons!

Anonymous said...

These are the same losers that are out there marching for "justice" and for the NYPD to stop picking on black people, so they got exactly what they were asking for. A trip to central, courtesy of their White Guilt. Don't eat the baloney!

Anonymous said...

Another headache that started at the feet of Nanny Bloomberg. This goes back to Occupy Wall Street. These young idiots think they have some 'right' to block traffic, dance in the street, ignore police directions, play loud music, chant offensive slogans and that there will be no response. They saw it for months in Zuccoti park and now, with the current Mayor's blessing, they see it as their right. Good job Democrats!!

Anonymous said...

Hipsters, hipsters,hipsters!

Anonymous said...

These people were egging on the police officers hoping for violence. The police officers showed a lot of restraint considering how close some of those useless people were getting. Rich white kids trying to 'identify with the oppressed'.

Anonymous said...

Bunch of idiot morons that should go back to mommy and daddy in Iowa...or maybe need to get a little butt kicking from real New Yorkers.

georgetheatheist said...

"Rich white kids trying to 'identify with the oppressed' "
And remember there are no "oppressed" in America.

Anonymous said...

They're just spoiled brats! They think they have the right to EVERYTHING and are above the law. No respect for the principles of that make this great country. Put them in jail, fine them, publish their stupidity on social media!

Anonymous said...

Why don't these people just go back home to therir rich daddies and mommies and give New York back to New Yorkers! If they can't stand New York laws and our great NYPD, then GO HOME! Good riddance. We don't need you! You're just like the cockroaches that hide during the day and come out at night to scavenge on others!

Anonymous said...

I find it interesting but not surprising that the vast majority of these drunkards are Midwest/Westcoast transplants to NYC.

I was born and raised in NYC and back in the heyday(Giuliani era) we used to get along with cops even when we were inebriated. I even used to pick up their diner tabs at North Shore Diner in Bayside and they in turn would tell us to drive home safely. In the LES the cops would crack jokes with us outside silver spurs restaurant and talk about the Yankees and how the Mets suck. But things change I guess, most real new Yorkers have left(myself included)and all NYC is left with is mostly white trash and carpetbagger libertines; for shame.

Anonymous said...

When the savages turn on the hipsters, it's gonna be hilarious. Cluless whiter than white assholes.

Anonymous said...

Where's the local LES "gangs" when you need them? How about taking back your hood? The LES was so great when you were afraid of getting mugged and beat up by the "locals" because you didn't belong there! How about bringing back the old times.

Anonymous said...

When I was a kid the cops used to catch the underage drinkers. For the most part they would chase us away, anyone who was really drunk or misbehaved got a free ride home to their parents courtesy of NYPD. We all respected the NYPD, and NEVER considered talking back or especially touching them. My parents always said don't mess with people who have guns. Don't know what is going on in people's heads today. Too entitled.

Anonymous said...

Piece of shit Mayor, for a rapidly becoming piece of shit city.

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