Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Petition to stop G&M Realty from trademarking the name 5Pointz

From Change.org:

In 2002 artist Jonathan Cohen aka MeresOne reached an agreement with Gerald Wolkoff, real estate developer and owner of a warehouse in Queens. MeresOne was given full curatorial and operational control to host aerosol and street artists to come paint legally without repercussions. Given the chance to curate 200,000 square feet of blank canvas, Jonathan Cohen named the art program 5 Pointz Aerosol Art Center and created it's logo.
For over 11 years MeresOne volunteered and transformed a blank and dilapidated building into the epicenter of legal aerosol art in the world, catering to beginners, famed artists, art lovers and alike becoming the number one tourist attraction in Queens, New York. www.5ptz.com

On November 19th, 2013 New York City awoke to discover all the art pieces white washed and 5 Pointz destroyed. This art genocide was ordered by G&M realty, landlord of 5 Pointz, owner of the land and building, the destruction of the art work occurred in the dark of the night. This act was justified by the owner claiming 5 Pointz was not relevant and he owned the property hosting the art.

March 2014, the landlord G&M realty filed their request to trademark the name 5 Pointz to promote, market and advertise their new project, two luxury rental high-rise towers to be erected on the graveyard which became to be known as the graffiti mecca of the world, 5 Pointz.

Join me in requesting the attention of the trademarking commission to stop G&M realty from exploiting further the art community and capitalizing on the fame of 5 Pointz created by Jonathan Meres one Cohen, by the people for the people.


Anonymous said...

"Art genocide" (sigh)... Yes, this is definitely up there with Rwanda, Armenia, the Holocaust...

All of the works were meant to be temporary anyway.

MeresOne had more than a decade to trademark "5Pointz" yet chose not to do so.

Time to move on. Your energy would be better spent by trying to find another location to create a new place for legal graffiti. How about somewhere on Sutton Place?

Anonymous said...

Excuse me, you uninformed malcontent... 5 Pointz Aerosol Art Center , to the best of my knowledge, IS a registered New York State not for profit corporation and has been for years. Where is Wolkoff's name on that corporation? He has already been denied the use of the 5 Pointz name because of a similarly named real estate development that exists , I believe, in California. "Big Jerr Wolkoff" hasn't a leg to stand on legally, just his usual big mouth. Too bad he has to leave his real estate "empire" to that doofus son of his ,David. Wolkoff is an old man and will soon be walking off the scene. Anyone observing him these days, will note that it looks like he is losing it already.

Jerry Rotondi said...

I served on the board of trustees at "Phun Phactory"(which preceded "5 Pointz") and am familiar with the history of the site. I volunteered and was associated with "5 Pointz" for many, many years . Nowhere in my recollections has Jerry Wolkoff any right to claim owning all or any portion of the intellectual property known as "5 Pointz". This was solely the creation of Jonathan (Meres One) Cohen. I am willing to testify to that in court if necessary. Wolkoff has an empty claim. It is little known that Jonathan Cohen attained the level of "eagle scout" in the Boy Scouts of America. I will take his word over the word of the bullying G&M Realty any day.

Anonymous said...

What a pair! Wolkoff allowed his building to deteriorate to a level of danger which caused Nicole Gagne, a resident artist, to plunge to her near death when a staircase collapsed. He is still appealing her family's lawsuit. What we have here is a classic slum lord who took minimal care of his commercial holdings...has racked up numerous building violations...who now claims ownership to a name he has no right to use , just to promote his real estate project. How do you spell S-C-U-M L-O-R-D?

Anonymous said...

I have stopped taking the #7 train past Court Square and change at Queens Plaza on my trip to Manhattan. Since the demolition of 5 Pointz....the building closest to the elevated tracks has been going on ...I have had a raspy throat and itchy eyes. I noticed other passengers coughing as the #7 train turned past the demolition. Something fishy is going on. Is there asbestos in the air?

Anonymous said...

Funny you should mention coughing. I put in a 311 complaint with the DEP regarding 5 Pointz demolition. I plan to see a nose and throat specialist for a check up regarding this. At least I have a complaint number in case I should develop a health problem down the line. If I have to sue I will.

Mr. Leibowitz said...

"Art genocide"? Maybe...maybe not...but let us remember how the Nazis burned books.

georgetheatheist said...

Brilliant Jerry. Never saw that one before. Bringing the Boys Scouts in. Absolutely brilliant.

Anonymous said...

fuck the building owner, but also fuck the shit-stain faux "artists"

There is no winner in this fight. only losers.

Jerry Rotondi said...

That is right George....Meres happens to have been an Eagle Scout.....no small achievement. Today is fuzzy for me....have a cold. Was your comment meant to be sarcastic or a compliment? Enlighten me further.

Anonymous said...

Check out the Daily News RE 5 Pointz today.

Anonymous said...

Looks like the Wolkoff trolls are busy posting today. Tell "big Jerr" heez gonna lose this one.

georgetheatheist said...

"Was your comment meant to be sarcastic or a compliment? Enlighten me further."
You're right, Jerry. You could read it either way. Crapper needs a smiley-face feature.

Jerry Rotondi said...

So you still have not answered my question , George. You would make a great politician with that kind of response. By now my question is purely rhetorical. Not to worry. I certainly do not. 10-4. Over and out.

georgetheatheist said...

Roger. :)

Jerry Rotondi said...

:-) LOL! Touché...by a nose.

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