Friday, January 2, 2015

Mario Cuomo dies hours after Andrew's inauguration

From NBC:

Former New York Governor Mario Cuomo, who served three terms in office from 1983 to 1994, and whose son currently holds the office, has died at the age of 82.

Cuomo died of heart failure Thursday evening, hours after his son, Gov. Andrew Cuomo, delivered a speech to kick off his second term as governor. Andrew Cuomo said his father was unable to attend the ceremony because of his health, but was present in spirit.

"He is in the heart and mind of every person who is here," Andrew Cuomo told the crowd. "He is here and he is here, and his inspiration and his legacy and his experience is what has brought the state to this point."

Mario Cuomo, a Democrat, was known for his soaring oratory. In 1984 he delivered a powerful speech at the Democratic National Convention in which he highlighted poverty and inequality to attack President Ronald Reagan's declaration that the nation was "a shining city on a hill." The address drew national attention.

"This nation is more a tale of two cities than it is just a shining city on a hill," Cuomo said.

So that's where that came from...


JQ said...

too bad mario's son is for the shiny city and who shares with saint reagan his disdain for government regulations.

Anonymous said...

He should RIP; that said, all he did as governor was insure the death of whatever upstate economy remained in the 70s and 80s, make badly embarassing pompous speeches as the left-wing hippocrit he was, and carry a huge chip on his shoulder regarding his Italian/immigrant heritage.

Anonymous said...

Mario Cuomo fought for Forest Hills and Willets Point. He was a champion for our borough.

As a Catholic though, he did nothing as his childhood landmark church, St. Monica's in Jamaica crumbled from neglect.

Overall, he reminds me a bit of Fred C. Trump, another champion for the middle class and a native of Queens.

Anonymous said...

too bad his son didnt go instead.

The Ghost of Bob Grant said...

Mario! Senta me. Tu sei proprio UN SFACIM!!!

Anonymous said...

RIP, but it seems the son does not remember his Queens roots.

Anonymous said...

Before history is rewritten by the Dems, let's not forget the Campaign Slogan during his campaign against Ed Koch. "Vote For Cuomo, Not the Homo" He never denounced it...

Anonymous said...

Remembered as the man who could not make up his mind to run for president (or not), and his gimmicks to preposterously claim the state budget was balanced.

Anonymous said...

A very telling article from The NY Times denigrating Queens as is their wont.

Anonymous said...

Mario Sr tried unsuccessfully to sell whitestone park to developer friends for $5.5 million for those to young to remember also refused to develop Shea stadium to keep the jets.

Anonymous said...

This is a good time to start pushing for the tappan zee replacement bridge to be named the Alfred Benedict Del Bello memorial bridge

Anonymous said...


Joe said...

I predict a warm winter because the gates of hell will be opening.
Cuomo #1 Johnson and all the Kennedy's down there are having cocktails.


Anonymous said...

He was a gun grabbing pink tide dictator who annihilated the New York Americans once loved and knew !
Another Hitler or John Lindsay IMHO

No great loss here !!!

Anonymous said...

"...developer friends..."

The Mattones?

Anonymous said...

“A man with no enemies is a man with no character.”
― Paul Newman

Based on some of the things said here, I'd say that Mario Cuomo was a man of great character, and I'm glad that he was that.

Red Holzman said...

To the Ghost of Bob Grant:

Mai fidarsi di un calvo barbiere. Non ha rispetto per i capelli.

Anonymous said...

aprox. 7 years ago, I had an hour conversation with M.Cuomo ,concerning Queens sports Cuomo never visited the show again.

R.I.P. Bob 12/31/13 & Mario 1/1/15

Anonymous said...

Gotta love that obit. Get a load of this gem from it:

"Queens was also a political artifice, created from distinct small towns and parishes without a polestar (there is no postal address called Queens) and unlike Staten Island, another forgotten borough, without a geographic identity. It is more Middle America than Gotham. As late as the 1960s, Newtown High School offered a course in farming."

So when hipsters host the same kind of education impromptu in a dingy loft 3 miles or so south in Brooklyn it's trendy DIY locavorism, but when it's part of formal education in a Queens High School, it's out of date, almost booboisie.

Gimme a break!

Anonymous said...

Mario was pro abortion,if he gets a Catholic mass then Catholicism is as Evel as Mario.

Anonymous said...

"Newtown High School offered a course in farming."

Doesn't John Bowne Still have agricultural courses?
I believe so.

georgetheatheist said...

Mario's father-in-law Raffa was the owner of a supermarket. He was injured when some thug or thugs threw him down the store's staircase to the basement. Rumor had it it was a mob payback.

Any Crap reader can elaborate on this?

Anonymous said...

As a third generation Queens resident who lives in a house my grandfather bought new in 1911, I have to disagree with Cuomo's statement that Queens was a place of transients, therefore no history. I guess he just lived here until he could afford a higher rent district but he should not have spoken for the Borough. As to only Mario and Andrew being the only 2 governors to come from Queens I suspect most Queens politicians were to dirty to pass the scrutiny cast on them with a run for Albany ( the times never change). The Cuomo's hide their secrets better.

Anonymous said...

Anon No. 20:

Learn how to spell evil before you talk about it.

Anonymous said...

And that has what to do with anything, George?

Anonymous said...

"As a third generation Queens resident..."

This seventh generation Queens resident agrees.

Anonymous said...

Tens of thousands of white homeowners from Queens and Brooklyn fled the city during Cuomo's reign. He did nothing for NY and was nothing more than a bleeding heart liberal who turned his back on our city's middle class.

Anonymous said...

The old king of crooks is dead. Long live the new one. Hey Andy, your called for Albany investigation came to a grinding halt as soon as some of your pals were about to be investigated.

Anonymous said...

Never liked the old Mario,do like the new one though 😁

Anonymous said...

Mario Cuomo should have been awarded the Nobel Prize in Economics for his budget balancing finesse. Selling a prison to a state owned shell corporation in order to raise quick cash, and then leasing it back was sheer genius. And lets not forget his answer to a question about the lack of maintenance of lighting fixtures on the Northern State Parkway - drivers see better in the dark.

Unknown said...

I get so sick and tried of hearing this crap.....there was never any real white flight in America...what happened is the new crop of kids entering the school system were on a JAIL track instead of a COLLEGE track and both blacks and whites moved to the burbs.

Tens of thousands of white homeowners from Queens and Brooklyn fled the city during Cuomo's reign.

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