Thursday, January 8, 2015

Homeowner trying to evict squatter

From CBS New York:

Maria Diaz hopes to fix up the house she owns at 2813 Sedgwick Avenue in Kingsbridge and sell it, 1010 WINS’ Al Jones reported.

But when Diaz’s daughter stopped by in May for a building inspection, she found a shirtless man living inside.

“He said nothing,” she said. “He was just walking around, and I said, ‘I’m calling the police,'” Diaz’s daughter, Elizabeth Tineo, told CBS2’s Steve Langford.

The man, Clark Eli Selassie, had been living in the home for months. He also had changed the locks, Diaz said.

Police responded and removed the man immediately, Tineo said. But a Housing Court judge later ruled the 35-year-old cabbie had every right to be there.

The judge’s order read, in part, “it is the finding of this court that the petitioner was illegally locked out of the subject apartment and is entitled to possession of said apartment.”

Selassie said he signed a lease, and he’s not leaving. The judge ruled in his favor after the person Selassie claimed he had known to be the rightful owner did not appear in court, Tineo said.


Anonymous said...

This bullshit liberal city. I'd burn the fucking house down.

Anonymous said...

Lying POS,who is he paying the rent too.

Anonymous said...

Our legal system is F'ed Up!

JQ said...

the other injustice is the brief report,the judge is not even named.

Anonymous said...

What ever happened to the good old days - get some buddies and tune him up?

Anonymous said...

I want to SEE the lease and the real property records.

Robert Nesta Marley said...

Clark Eli Selassie???

Is he related to Ethiopian Emperor Haile Selassie?

This guy could be royalty!!!

Anonymous said...

A lot of things missing in this story, and CBS , of course, will never run a followup.

Does the owner not possess a deed, certificate of occupancy, and property tax records.

If so, why did the judge rule in favor of the tenant/squatter?

Does the tenant/squatter possess a signed, valid lease agreement?

If not, why did the judge rule in favor of the tenant/squatter?

Anonymous said...

The judge doesn't have to worry about squatters in his posh home.

Anonymous said...

Send in your pit bull to evict the squatter.

Anonymous said...

Let him squat in the judge's digs.

Joe Moretti said...

There is not enough information to make any kind of just comment, but the owner of this property has had several complaints against this property over the years including a dangerous retaining wall and dead storage of cars on the property. DOB still has an open violation. So no matter what the owner sounds like a scumbag anyway and gets no sympathy for me for having his property in shambles. And why did the owner not show up for the court hearing. Whole things sounds fishy.

Anonymous said...

Well that's pretty insane!

Queens Crapper said...

Joe, the owner did show up for the hearing, the fake owner did not because he doesn't exist.

Anonymous said...

Tune up time.

Joe said...

YEP totally ass baclwards !! The liberal judges will throw the HOMEOWNER in jail to keep a homeless or some brat off the city's dime !!

That's why I wont rent my house in Ridgewood. God forbid some minority woman renter gets pregnant they can stop paying rent and no judge will sign an order for the sheriff to evict them for years. Meanwhile the homeowner MUST pay the heat and electric or be in contempt of the judges order, pay the scumbags damages or go to jail.
It's actually WORSE for a homeowner even if they rented legally. The liberal judges always throw the agreement straight down the toilet, especially if a pregnancy, children are involved. The judges dish out the ultimate "screwing's" to landlords who do not live in the building or primarily reside on Long Island

Anonymous said...

Too much of the story has been left out. As bad as Housing Court, I really doubt the judge would have ruled for the squatter if the owner showed up with the deed, title, and tax records, and the squatter came only with a bullshit story.

Anonymous said...

In a nutshell if somebody spends more then 3 days in your house they can claim they live there INVITED OR NOT !! Laws and agreements are pre-empted by judges and mean nothing.
Professional squatters know this and how to work this crummy system in New York and lie all the time. Its then up YOU to convince some scumbag tweed loving egomaniac liberal judge who believes they are smarter then everybody and know best.
Many public library's, colleges, churches even give free "work the system" classes taught by activists like LaRaza, and the Office of Client Advocacy (OCA)


Anonymous said...

This should be a huge wake-up call for all home owners to be more vigilant with their property...not passing judgment on either plaintiff or defendant in this case but the bottom line is if you're lucky enough to own property in this great city, be smart enough to keep an eye on it too!

Anonymous said...

"That's why I wont rent my house in Ridgewood."

That's why I sold my house in Middle Village. Being an absentee landlord sucks. I once had a tenant who changed the front door lock without notifying me and then she got pissed when I asked for a key. I refused to pay the locksmith bill and changed the lock again on my own. When she moved I deducted the cost of the locksmith from her security.

Joe said...

""That's why I sold my house in Middle Village""

Your lucky you sold it (hopefully not to a slumlord immigrant looking to make 9 apartments or without a loss)
I wont screw my neighbors and have no use for real estate agents, they are all liar scum who wont bring me type of buyers I want.
On Seneca ave in south east Ridgewood all the decent buyers "I" have found RUN FOR THE HILLS once they got and eyeful of all the feral animals exiting PS-68 and 77 !!
This working class couple priced out of Manhattan looked me straight in the eye and said Quote: "Oh My God, we are willing to hock everything & scrub toilets on Long Island or Jersey before subjecting our children to these septic containers"
I heard a lot of descriptions for NYC public schools but "the city's septic containers" was a first.
I almost choked !!

Anonymous said...

We once had a crack den in the first floor of our two family. Cops came dozens of times arrested loads of people. They didn't pay the rent for nine months. We did the whole court system bullshit. Judge kept giving them more and more months. Finally one night my dad kicked the door in and they fled like cockroaches. He said he'd rather go to jail than live like that any longer. Cops came to collect the guns and drugs they left behind and has the nerve to say "how come u never called us".

Anonymous said...

Remember the lady in SE Queens who had someone take over her house?

Do we see a pattern?

City Council passes useless legislation, finds tax payer wasting jobs for their friends under the front of helping illegals and other targeted party friendly groups, endless campaign for bribes er donations from devleopers hell bent on bulldozing communities while an endless series of articles like this are paraded on the front page.

That judge was undoubtedly nominated by the Democatic Party to serve its useless (to the public) ends.

The goal of you councilman is to hollow out your community for development and a resident demographic that suits their interests.

Anonymous said...

Some of the commenters on this board... Stop assuming that the landlord is a scumbag, stop assuming that the judge is corrupt, stop assuming that the tenant is a squatter. The fact of the matter is, you dont have enough information to make any of these assumptions. Have any of you bothered to pull the records from this trial? Ill bet not. Most judges arent stupid, and I would be willing to bet that had ANYONE shown up with a deed, tax records or anything of the sort this would have been a much simpler issue. It sounds like no one had any type of proof so the judge essentially said "get your shit together and try again."

Anonymous said...

Fucking trash liberal city. Liberal activists in this shithole have managed to trump constitutional rights again and again.

I'd rather be down in the south with the inbreeds and rednecks. At least they respect the constitution and its bill of rights (to arms, to private property, etc).

Unknown said...

Anon No. 25 - So go. No one's stopping you.

Joe Moretti said...

Anonymous said...

Some of the commenters on this board... Stop assuming that the landlord is a scumbag.


The owner is a scumbag, just go to DOB website and see the complaints and violations against this property with the owner's name.

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