Friday, January 2, 2015

Queens cops save 2 people that OD'ed on heroin

From PIX11:

NYPD officers were able to save two people who overdosed on heroin in separate incidents in Queens.

Officers Brett Devine and Lieutenant David Goldstein reported to a second-floor St. Albans apartment on Dunkirk Street just before 5 p.m. on New Year’s Eve.

While there, they found a 51-year-old man lying on his back in bed, losing consciousness and barely breathing. A female friend of the man said he had just snorted heroin and quickly became unresponsive.

Officer Devine immediately recognized the overdose symptoms including pin-point pupils unaffected by light and blue lips and fingertips.

The officers immediately administered a single lifesaving dose of naloxone nasal spray. Moments later, the man regained consciousness and his breathing was nearly at full-strength. He spoke coherently and opted to walk down the stairs where he was able to step into an ambulance.

The man was transported to Jamaica Hospital Medical Center in stable condition.

Hours later, Officers Kevin Mooney and Matilde Leonardi reported to a building on 71st Avenue in Pomonok, where a woman told cops her 18-year-old daughter fell unconscious after taking heroin.

The teen was completely unresponsive, not breathing, turning blue and had no pulse. The officers quickly administered the naloxone spray and minutes later, she regained consciousness and stong breathing.

She was able to walk to a waiting ambulance from her second-floor apartment. She was transported to Queens Hospital Center in stable condition.


JQ said...

good job officers

but expect nalaxone to be available on the black market soon.

Anonymous said...

why? just let them kill themselves, then the problem goes away forever.

Anonymous said...

I thought the police were no good! 100 protestors in Wash. Sq. park told me so!

JQ said...

last anon..

drunken hipster vagrants revelling on new years eve seem to think so too.
(clip not available)

Anonymous said...

I wonder if the people who overdosed would have said "I can't breath" before the po-lice came to help them?

Anonymous said...

I guess that one could also say that since an NYPD officer attacked a transit employee, all cops must be bad - but it also doesn't mean that all cops are good - they're human, just like the rest of us. There are some scumbags, and there are some saints - and there are some of them in between.

But maybe if one of these competent officers (who knew enough to administer naloxone to the OD victim) had been assigned to Staten Island, they would have paid attention when Mr. Garner said "I can't breathe." The ratio of good cops to bad cops could be 100:1, or 1000:1, or even 10000:1, but that doesn't change the fact that Garner's death was caused by a police officer (even if it wasn't a criminal act, and the Grand Jury said it wasn't).

Anonymous said...

The two that O.D.Ed will not be so lucky next time

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