Friday, January 2, 2015

Avella wants Spa Castle closed

From the Daily News:

State Sen. Tony Avella (D–Queens) is calling for the closure of College Point’s Spa Palace in the aftermath of a patron’s death on Sunday.

Avella says he’s been tracking problems at the hot tub mecca since 2008, when he claims he noticed mislabeled and blocked fire exits.

The popular Spa Castle, which recently opened another outpost in Manhattan to much fanfare, has been open in Queens since 2007.

Hock Ma, 83, died Sunday after being found by another patron unconscious in a Jacuzzi.

Avella claims the location in Queens has had 28 Health Department violations in the last two years, and should lose its special permit from the city.

“I am calling on [the city] to revoke the variance and close this toxic spa for good,” Avella said in a statement that called Ma’s death “the final straw.” “The city must take action to ensure no one else is hurt.”


Unknown said...

Spa Castle never should have been allowed to open in the first place. It's a filthy horrible place.

Anonymous said...

Are their transport vans supposed to have commercial licenses? The ones I've seen don't!

Anonymous said...

Good Finally an elected official with common sense!

Anonymous said...

And to think it is listed as a Queens attraction in the Lonely Planet's chapter about Queens as a hot destination!

Anonymous said...

I've been there and it's far from a spa. More like try to relax while you are surrounded by hundreds of strangers and screaming children.

Anonymous said...

Before close down the spa.investigation first
Queens DOB is involved with this problem because they know the violation they close their eyes for
for own interest.

Anonymous said...

It will never be closed. it serves a 'protected class' who get to do as they please.

Anonymous said...

I hope they close it down too!! It is disgusting and filthy

Anonymous said...

Avella has a lot of great ideas. Avella has a lot of political enemies. Avella usually fails in his pursuits due to them. Keep on kicking ass Tony. When you get something done it really is something . Never lose heart!

Anonymous said...

And to think it is listed as a Queens attraction in the Lonely Planet's chapter about Queens as a hot destination!

the same article that mentioned western South Dakota as a major tourist destination along with Queens?

what a joke.

Anonymous said...

Queens is a "hot destination" for 3rd worlders looking for a pleasure spot on the cheap. The civilized go elsewhere. Queens has become a magnet for the filthy unwashed. " Give me your tired, your poor....". Emma Lazzarus surely had a vision for Queens. As the ethnic nabes disappeared in Manhattan to make way for real estate development for the hipsters and the wealthy, the refuse got dumped here because it's a relatively safe and affordable borough.

Anonymous said...

So Avalla holds another press conference and calls for action. Yawn! These Asians are a protected class. They have their own rules and ignore our laws. Lots of luck Tony. The crooks that make up the Queens Dem clubhouse will steamroller over you. These Asians are where they get their campaign contributions from. And nobody who is smart kills the golden goose.

Anonymous said...

May I suggest that Senator Tony Avella spend his time more productively and work to pass his Bill S6190-2013 requiring the department of buildings to maintain a registry of all deeds containing restrictive covenants. Now that would be an accomplishment for his constituents!

Anonymous said...

stinky vallone sure knows about this. Spa castle contributed to his campaign for city council. *sniff sniff* smells like dirty bath water

Anonymous said...

I am thrilled to see Senator Avella drawing attention to this problem. I hope he does get it closed. It's a giant petri dish full of germs.

Does our Councilman have an opinion about this? or is he going to ignore and act like he doesn't know anything about it, as ususal.

Anonymous said...

May I suggest that Senator Tony Avella spend his time more productively and work to pass his Bill S6190-2013 ...........

Senator Avella wrote and introduced the bill into the Senate. The only way for
the Senate to be able to discuss and vote on the bill would be for our City Council to send a "home rule" message to the senate. That gives the State the OK to vote on it because it would effect a local gov't level. One would think Councilman Vallone would be all over it because he spoke about how beautiful Broadway-Flushing, blah, blah, blah in all of his campaign speeches. However he has yet to even consider doing such a thing. Why don't you call him and ask him to help his constituents by asking City Council for a "home rule" on Avella's bill. Or better yet, ask him to do his own version of the same bill and pass it in City Council. Good luck with that.

Anonymous said...

It says the death was not due to spa castle according to wall street journal.

Kind of funny to see everyone get riled up over misinformation.

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