Sunday, December 21, 2014

Bus company needs to clean up its act

From the Queens Chronicle:

Ozone Park resident Eduardo Venegas has been waking up at 5:30 a.m. to the sound of idling school buses for the past two years, and he’s sick of it.

Venegas’ house neighbors Logan Bus Co.’s Ozone Park depot, located at 97-14 Atlantic Ave.

He said the school buses depart via 95th Avenue, a quiet residential street, in the early morning hours and idle their engines in front of people’s houses.

The buses often double-park on the narrow road, he added, causing people stuck behind them to honk.

When they’re parked curbside, he claims the drivers are behind the wheel either sleeping or eating before they begin their routes.

Venegas said in addition to waking up residents along 95th Avenue, the drivers are throwing their garbage in front of their houses and on the streets.

Venegas said he has brought his complaints regarding the depot to Community Board 9, but has not reached out to any elected officials about the situation yet.

He brought his complaint to the board at its Dec. 9 meeting.

Corey Muirhead, a representative for the owners of Logan Bus Co., said the company is aware of the situation and is working to correct it.


Anonymous said...

Kick them out and put in the train.

Anonymous said...

Why can't kids just take public transpo - we did! Kids are so coddled these days!

Joe Moretti said...

Corey Muirhead, a representative for the owners of Logan Bus Co., said the company is aware of the situation and is working to correct it.
If you are aware of it and it still exists, then NO, you are not working to correct it.

Again simple problems with simple solutions, but the powers to be are doing NOTHING.

Snake Plissskin said...

but has not reached out to any elected officials about the situation yet.

well what the f*k are they there for? are we so cowered that we are afraid to trouble them?

then, my friends, we have the solution on what troubles America.

look for it in a mirror.

Anonymous said...

The city owns the land, don't they? If these guys can't behave then kick them out.

Anonymous said...

Suck it up - they're creating jobs, after all. Granted, not for anyone in the neighborhood under assault, but hey, them's the breaks. That's the response we've met in our community, where both a school-bus and access-a-ride were moved into a space fronting one of the heaviest-travelled, two-lanw ide streets in Staten Island. PLUS the employees park on the street, which means residents lose spaces, and the drives stop at their cars several times a day to get stuff.

Anonymous said...

Logan is corrupt:

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