Monday, November 3, 2014

Big campaign donor paid for DeBlasios' costumes

From the Observer:

Mayor Bill de Blasio and his wife Chirlane McCray were decked out in Greek finery at Tuesday’s Gracie Mansion Halloween party, and they didn’t have to pay a single drachma.

The First Couple’s Halloween costumes were paid for by Broadway Stages, a Brooklyn company whose employees donated $25,000 to Mr. de Blasio’s campaign. The outfits were rented from Abracadabra for $350.

Broadway Stages, a film, television and music production facility, was responsible for the mayor appearing on The Good Wife in March.

The company also paid for the costumes of 100 children from city homeless shelters who attended the Gracie monster mash.

No conflict of interest there. Nah...


Anonymous said...

This is... a donation. It's no different from any contribution any business makes to a candidate or official. While you're welcome to oppose the principals behind Broadway Stages, there's no conflict of interest inherent in them making these donations. If they donated costumes to a regulatory official-- e.g. gave freebies to the Commissioner of Consumer Affairs-- that'd be different.

Or do you want an authoritarian state where people can't support their candidates with money?

Queens Crapper said...

Is that so? When the mayors spokesperson was contacted, she said it was charitable and didn't mention a campaign contribution. Mainly because she knows better. This wasn't a campaign event, it was an official NYC event hosted by the office of the mayor. Therefore, an outsider paying for the costumes IS a conflict of interest.

Anonymous said...

Shame on you DeBlasios.
Start looking for a new job.

Anonymous said...

Isn't Broadway Stages peripherally involved in the "Knockdown Center" scheme as well?

Anonymous said...

Peripherally? No.
Intimately? Yes.

Anonymous said...

Were the magic blue ( and purple) buses there also? HIPSTERS,HIPSTERS,HIPSTERS!

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