Saturday, October 4, 2014

You can suggest an idea to be funded

There's a website for Participatory Budgeting and if you live in one of the districts that has it, you might want to get your suggestions in. The one above, I assume, is tongue-in-cheek, but then again I can see Van Bramer tossing some money to Queens Council on the Arts for it.

My personal feelings on PB is that $1M is a paltry sum, and all this does is pit people against each other with the outcome being exactly what it would be if there was no PB - the more organized factions of the community and friends of pols will get the dough.


Anonymous said...

Van Bramer only gives money to arts groups that play towards the myth that he is am arts expert (of which his only real experience has been in that library cesspool), or arts groups that help promote that other myth of LIC being anything but the future dorm for the service class of Manhattan's rich.

It will sell real estate and by the time the spreading library mess ensnares him, and reality sets in, millions of dollars and years will be wasted.

Anonymous said...

There is a minimum budget for these participatory projects. I believe it is $30k and it has to be applied to a capital improvement. This mime idea won't fly because it isn't brick and mortar in nature. But I'm sure Jimmy will hire a mime for $30k anyway..because it would be classified under "The Arts".

georgetheatheist said...

What? There's a politician committee that dishes out the dough? Like in Beijing? Majority or unanimous vote?

georgetheatheist said...

And btw. Why do we need this PB website when there has been a participatory website for years: Queens Crap - the true voice of the peeps.

Rod Rage Rodney said...

That swishy mime stand in front of me and the next place he'll be standing is in the ER.

Anonymous said...

$1 million is NOT a paltry sum. It represents the average annual income of twenty NYC residents. (source: This stupid idea is simply another $1 million wasted.

Joe Moretti said...

Sorry not quite democracy at its best, but hey, it certainly sounds good on paper and makes the plain folks feel like they are doing something, while their elected leaders pushes his or her agenda.

Anonymous said...

Democracy! Democracy! BRAAACK! Squawk! Polly wanna handout!

ron s said...

Why not have a mime replace the City Council? Save some money....

Anonymous said...

Ban insecure narcicists from becoming Majority leaders.

Anonymous said...

I tried speaking to him once at a ribbon cutting event. He was very rude and didn't care to listen to me. He is so self-serving...just like the rest of his ilk.

Anonymous said...


JQ said...

monorail monorail monorail

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