Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Queens GOP is going the way of the dinosaur

From NY1:

Queens has more registered Republicans than any other borough in the city, but the party is fielding almost no candidates in state legislative races this fall, essentially conceding the borough to the Democrats. NY1's Bobby Cuza filed the following report.

It’s no secret that Republicans are a vanishing breed in New York City. Outnumbered more than six to one, they account for just 11 percent of the city’s registered voters, versus 69 percent for Democrats. There is just one Republican in the city's congressional delegation, just two out of the city's 65 representatives in the state Assembly, and two of out 26 state senators.

In Queens, though, party officials are doing especially little to reverse the trend.

"Unfortunately, for a lot of reasons, the Republican Party is on the verge of extinction in Queens County," said City Councilman Eric Ulrich of Queens.

It may be time for a real third party movement. Lord knows the 2 in charge now are up to no good.


Anonymous said...

While a single party "democracy" is not a desired state, when a party has consistently stabbed it constituency in the back for decades, two things eventually happen:

1) Smart people realize what is being done to them.

2) Stupid people die-off.

Lose both and you are extinct.

Queens Crapper said...

So when are the Democrats also going to wise up?

Anonymous said...

Those with the big $bucks...developers, big hitters, unions....are not likely to fund a third party.

Anonymous said...

Who in their right mind would run as a Republican in Queens when you are out numbered by so many Democrats? Just because on a city and state level, some right of center Democrats will vote a for a Republican mayor or governor, they absolutely will not vote that way on the local lever. It has nothing to do with past present or future GOP leaders, NOTHING. Queens is owned lock stock and barrel by the Democrats and that will not change anytime soon.

georgetheatheist said...

Thanks for this mess Phil Ragusa.

Anonymous said...

Blame the demise of the Queens GOP on Ragusa, Maltese and Padavan.
Ragusa was an awful Chairman, Maltese wasn't much better. And Padavan never groomed a successor. They all made deals with the democrats to preserve their personal power and ignored the future.

Look at the disgraced Brian McLaughlin. His seat was open. The GOP leaders in their infinite wisdom chose a DEMOCRAT, Morshed Alam, to be their candidate against Rory Lancman.

A freakin' DEMOCRAT.

Naturally Lancman literally kicked Alam's butt. The race was a joke as were the leaders of GOP who picked this loser. But they all retained their seats and personal power.

Missing Foundation said...

First poster: so how about this formula for the success of the Democratic Party:

1. older people remember when politicians helped people from the New Deal to the Great Society and all the pols need do is use the same empty phrases over and over again coupled with welfare programs that are no longer available to younger people to lull them on the way to their graves.

2. young people are apathetic and think there is nothing you can do but eat cheese and drink beer and taking a kayak through an open sewer, or a bike in the middle of Queens traffic is the ultimate high.

Middle Villager said...

The level of corruption in Queens and all of NYS has hit an all time high, it truly is time for a 3rd party. With the chances of that happening being next to zero, I recommend always voting against the incumbent. It always takes the new guy (or girl) a little time to set up their graft.

A Better NYC said...

Bob Turner was a "no-name" guy who ran as a republican and won.

His win was historic.

Maybe there's hope.

Anonymous said...

The GOP in the Democratic areas of NYC is content to get whatever patronage is given to the minority party and to get their share of public campaign funds. Without these, there would not even be the fiction that there is a GOP party in Queens.

Winning elections is just not a priority.

Anonymous said...

"Bob Turner was a "no-name" guy who ran as a republican and won."

And then the dems did him in by excising his seat.

He ran in the republican primary for senate against Wendy Long and got his ass kicked by about 15%.

Long was a loser going up against Gillibrand who got over 70% of the vote.

And then Ragusa beat Turner for Queens County GOP Chairman with abut 70% of the vote thanks to Turner bing backed by Haggerty.

Again, republicans keep losing when they could be winning.

Anonymous said...

The republicans are losing because they are being pushed out of the city and are being replaced by Boss Tweed voters.

Anonymous said...

Let's face it, Queens is done. We have a one-party system. All the shit gets dumped on Queens, forcing all the middle class out. What will be left are the homeless shelters, illegal aliens and welfare recipients. Nothing can change, because the majority of the people are democrats and they like their entitlements. Meanwhile, the politicians have job security and line their pockets with developer monies. It's a no-win situation for the taxpayer. That's why everyone I know have plans to move out of NYC altogether. Until people wise up and vote out all incumbents, Queens is doomed. Personally, I already feel it's too late. So sad, but so true.

Anonymous said...

Bob Turner was a "no-name" guy who ran as a republican and won.

Don't forget the anti-Weiner disgust - that brought Bob his very short-lived seat in the House. And a very good point indeed - even if a Republican should ever "steal" an assembly seat or a senate seat - they would be re-districted out ASAP. Is Ulrich grooming a successor?

Anonymously Grey Gardens said...

The obvious Republican extinction that Eric Ulrich talks about is because of arrogant, brazen, derelict cowards like him, who managed to be voted in (first as a fill-in), and now to complete his vacuous term because of voter apathy--and the lowest turnouts in more than 40 years. While my family and I were unfortunate constituents of his 'Friends & Family' payroll funded by we, the excluded taxpayer, Ulrich and his intensely incompetent administration ignored my request for a city investigation into pension fraud, coverups, unfair labor practices and overall selective and occasional representation. With false, fake and failed leadership like his (where he continues to be rewarded for monstrous failure, as he is vastly and obscenely overpaid), no one except his loyal entourage of sycophantic employees will miss him when his term ends--to everyone else's delight. But trust me implicitly when I say that his cradle-to-grave patronage placement in the perpetual galaxy of public service is only just beginning. Instead of returning to the real world and working at a job (any job) that requires daily competence, he will quickly explore what seats are available to keep him in a suspended state of animation while accomplishing more of the same dereliction of public duty, neo-fascism and a standard of parasitic living that strains all credibility. And this fool talks about how much a privilege it is to serve! How I love a good joke, but even God and the priesthood (from whence he allegedly bounced from--for a higher public calling), would banish this character from whatever remains of our shabby, uncivilized culture. In the end, just watch and see how this borough predator springs into action by running for whatever position that his monstrously self-serving lackeys advise him to pounce on, in the name of endless job security for themselves--while their constituents forever languish in the deepest wells of adversity, beggary and obscurity. In the future, there should be a minimum age of 32 for all council members to serve, because youth and audacious whimsy can never be a substitute for solid, seasoned experience--the reason why southeastern Queens is stuck with too many vulgarian crumbs--least of all a little nugget like Eric Ulrich!

Anonymous said...

Democrat = Republican. At the city and state level, it really doesn't matter who gets elected because they all do what the real estate developers tell them to do. Meanwhile, they fill their pockets with as much money as possible.

At the Federal level, Republocrats do what their wealthy corporate sponsors demand. The three branches of the Federal Government are the oil/mining industry, the insurance/pharmaceutical industry, and the banking/financial industry

Anonymous said...

Can you imagine running a "Morshed Alam" in the post 9/11 atmosphere of Eastern Queens?

Stupidity, thy name is GOP.

Anonymous said...

GOP voters left NYC in droves after 9/11.

Anonymous said...

Bloomberg's property tax hikes drove out the GOP voters just so his spoiled Millenials can have their Highline

Anonymous said...

"Bloomberg's property tax hikes drove out the GOP voters..."

It wasn't only the ridiculous property tax hikes, it was the education families were seeing their children get at public schools. Abysmal would be too kind of a word for it.

Anonymous said...

"It wasn't only the ridiculous property tax hikes, it was the education families were seeing their children get at public schools. Abysmal would be too kind of a word for it."

English please....

Anonymous said...

That was written in perfect, grammatically correct English. Are you a product of the schools that those families fled?

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