Sunday, October 12, 2014

Making FMCP more accessible?

From the Queens Courier:

What will Flushing Meadows Corona Park look like in the future? The Queens Museum and the Parks Department are asking members of communities around the park to come up with ideas and solutions to make the green space more accessible to local communities.

“This is a bit of an experiment,” said Jose Serrano, the museum’s community organizer. “Instead of having people give us their ideas in some kind of meeting, we asked, why don’t we equip them with the tools to improve the park creatively and practically.”

Serrano and the Parks Department are asking the public to submit ideas on how to improve the parks connection and the way it’s used with the surrounding neighborhoods.

The deadline is Oct. 25 and 20 people will be chosen to create an exhibition project that will be shown next year at the museum. Over the course of a year, the 20 selected people will learn more about the park and its pros and cons through a series of hands-on learning events.

Serrano said that they will be only accepting people from communities like Flushing, Corona and Forest Hills because they are directly connected to the park.

A friend of mine - from Flushing - made this comment: "How about adequate funding and not giving away 47 acres to billionaires?" (I'm sure he won't be chosen for the panel.)


Anonymous said...

Your friend from Flushing is correct on that account. Like the community input on the budget process.

Its so controlled that only those who say the things that is already on a script written will get chosen while other who have a real interest in community involvement will mysteriously never get a call back.

Happened to a friend who got involved in Jimmy No Brainer's community input process.

Anonymous said...

Access to and circulation within the park could be improved with citibike. And a ramp from the under bridge dog run instead of just stairs would be great too. The flushing side is cut off by large roads that are hard to cross. To let it serve it's purpose as a neighborhood park making it easier to cross college point would be nice.

Anonymous said...

What's the difference, the park will be over run with make shift soccer fields and shopping cart BBQ no matter what is planned. Welcome to the third world.

Anonymous said...

Here's an idea-- take back about 20 acres from USTA, right? Let's start with that.

Anonymous said...

You are risking your life trying to get to the park when you cross the service road in Forest Hills/Rego Park. How about safer and easier access to the park from the surrounding areas via pedestrian bridges (with no stars)? Its so stupid to be forced to drive to the park. How about minimizing the number of cars in the park so folks can bike safely?

How about better drainage so the grass is not so soggy after a little rain?

Anonymous said...

Accessible to who, the muggers and rapists?

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