Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Kids die due to adult carelessness

From the Queens Courier:

Two young brothers were killed in a St. Albans fire Monday night after candles were left unattended in their home, according to authorities.

The fire, at a two-story residence at 188-19 Tioga Dr., broke out around 7:10 p.m. in the living room on the first floor, engulfing the home, the FDNY said. It took about 45 minutes to bring the blaze under control.

Fire officials found a candle melted on the floor near the sofa, where the flames ignited. Witnesses said the family used candles, which were found throughout the home, in prayer ceremonies, according to the FDNY. There were no smoke detectors on the first and second floors of the home. Smoke detectors in the basement failed to go off.

Two boys, Andrew Kavanagh, 6, and John Kavanagh, 11, were discovered on the second floor and taken to Queens Hospital Center, where they died, police said.

From the NY Times:

While the firefighters were bringing the fire under control, a man jumped out of a third-floor attic to escape the flames, fire officials said, adding that he survived the fall. It was not immediately known whether he was related to the brothers. A family of three lived in the first two floors of the home, officials said, and two men lived in the basement.

From NY1:

Fire Commissioner Daniel Nigro had strong words Tuesday for parents who do not have smoke detectors in the house.

"I'm not sure how they look at themselves in the mirror each day," he said. "How dangerous that is, and once again, it's pointed out to us today. No working smoke detectors in the home, unattended candles, the tragic loss of two young children."

Sources say the children were alone in the apartment.

They also say a 33-year-old man who was renting out the attic jumped from a window and suffered minor injuries.

Let's recap:

No smoke detectors.

Unattended candles.

Unattended children.

Documented illegal conversion of both the attic and cellar of a 1-family house.
(No media outlet reported this fact.)

2 dead children.



Anonymous said...

I hope DiBlahs takes note of this tragedy.

Anonymous said...

Arrest the property owners and arrest the parents. clearly it's child neglect, child abuse and negligence of a property owner.
So much for giving certificates of occupancy to these slum like multiple dwellings.

Tell me it's owned by someone from a third world country. Why are they allowed to get away with murder?
Why couldn't the guy on the third floor do something for the children? As soon as I heard the story I thought permanent bars on the windows.

Anonymous said...

Doesn't our mayor want to legalize those illegal conversions?

JQ said...

fire is not a toy kids.

unsupervised kids get bored quick.

Blaz and his kind don't give a shit.he's more concerned about backing up his unrealistic goals.even if it means hazardous development and illegal rentals.

Joe Moretti said...

And how many times has this story been played out. I know several times just in Jamaica.

Anonymous said...

Yep. You nailed it, Crappy.

Anonymous said...

Completely ignored by the media, just as these illegal conversions are ignored by the DOH. How many more people have to die before this problem is addressed?

Anonymous said...

A family of 3 (mother and 2 kids) lived in the first 2 floors of the house. Mom was at work, kids left home alone. She should be charged.

Anonymous said...

Channel 2 mentioned the two people in the basement, but that's as far as they went.

Middle Villager said...

I stand corrected. Several times in the past I stated that the only time illegal conversions get any attention was when someone died in a fire, apparently that is not enough to draw any media coverage anymore.

Anonymous said...

Legalizing conversions would actually help - egress requirements & fire code would apply. Not that it would have helped those kids... candles, for God's sake!

Anonymous said...

"...someone died in a fire, apparently that is not enough to draw any media coverage anymore."

It's Queens, why would the media care? The fourth estate considers us to be nothing more than a pimple on the ass of NYC.

If this would have happened in a chi-chi neighborhood it would have been covered in the National news with the anchors shaking their collective heads in disbelief and mourning.

Anonymous said...

True about what you say about Queens, the general public considers it a backward place filled with compliant peasants and the 3rd world.

"Forget it Jake, its Queens" is the between the lines message one gets if you seek help elsewhere.

Its about the time we change the image of the borough and if our political leadership doesn't like it that it tough.

We need strong communities filled with people that are encouraged to make it so. We need development and illegal conversions kept in check by enforcing laws that are already on the books.

And stop being so nice and groveling to those pols. They are using you to their own benefit.

Anonymous said...

The older boy was 11. That is old enough to babysit the younger child. It is not child neglect. An 11 year is in middle school The candles are another story. He is also old enough not to play with fire while mom is not home. And did the mother of the boys illegal rent out the house or was she a renter. Before you slam the hardworking mother, we need to find out a few facts.

Anonymous said...

11 years old is obviously not mature enough to babysit because both children are dead.

Joe Moretti said...

Anonymous said...

The older boy was 11. That is old enough to babysit the younger child. It is not child neglect. An 11 year is in middle school The candles are another story. He is also old enough not to play with fire while mom is not home. And did the mother of the boys illegal rent out the house or was she a renter. Before you slam the hardworking mother, we need to find out a few facts.


Maybe in your world a 11 year old is old enough to babysit a SIX year old, but in the real world that does not fly. I would not trust an 11 year old with a gold fish. Considering the maturity levels of kids today, 11 is the new 6.

Also get your facts straight. I have yet heard where the mother was this whole time, so before you start calling her "hardworking", get your damn facts first.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


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