Thursday, October 9, 2014

Ebola checks at airports

From Fox News:

Travelers arriving from Ebola-stricken countries in West Africa will start to have their temperatures taken upon arrival at five U.S. airports, officials said Wednesday.

White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest confirmed that the five airports would be stepping up their procedures after he was asked at Wednesday's briefing about the fever screening.

"What we are essentially doing is adding another layer of security," Earnest said.

Earnest did not go into details about what the additional screenings would entail, but another official told the Associated Press that the new steps would include taking temperatures and would begin Saturday at New York's JFK International. Earnest said the other airports are Newark, Washington Dulles, Chicago O'Hare and Atlanta.

Earnest said the five airports cover the destinations of 94 percent of the people who travel to the U.S. from the three heavily hit countries in West Africa -- Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea. He estimated that about 150 people would be checked a day under the new procedures.


Anonymous said...

What if they don't come to US airports, but they travel to Mexico, then sneak into the US? Does Mexico screen travelers?

Anonymous said...

What a joke - how about screening everyone!!!!!

People can come into the US via Europe!

Oh well - we'll have a full-blown Ebola epidemic in NYC - a culling of the herd! Too bad for all the innocent children.

Anonymous said...

Its only a matter of time before this starts to spread throughout the 3rd world. Poor living conditions breeds illness. All this thing needs is a simple mutation and it has the ability to be worse than the bubonic plague - THAT killed 1/3, this 2/3.

When we couple how illegals simply hop off planes, how the city now looks at benignly letting people live in crowded unhealthy conditions and a flood of millions arrive each year just hours from their departure points, the play is set for something very nasty.

Anonymous said...

And let us not forget the potential for terrorists - suicide plague?

Anonymous said...

I wish all the homegrown "experts" would stop listening to the news media for ebola coverage and actually bother to find something out about the disease...Its not nearly the threat Fox and CNN make it out to be.

Queens Crapper said...

The cdc director said yesterday that it could be transmitted by touching an object that an infected person touched. But then he said you couldn't get it by riding public transportation. It would be nice if he made sense, since he's in charge of dispensing info about it.

Anonymous said...

Anyone notice that the guy with Ebola that came in flew in from Brussels ? Would not have been subject to this screening.

But that's no big deal, as screening with temperature will not catch people have have Ebola in the incubation stage. Even if the guy that had Ebola been screened I doubt they would have stopped him as he didn't have a fever.

This is all "feel good" leadership.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Obama for bringing this disease and the enterovirus into this country.

Anonymous said...

one cannot believe the political spin from any White House ECHO CHAMBER.
these nations with the out of control epidemic must be QUARANTINED, as we were as families years ago with the polio,scarlet fever, and cholera communicable diseases.

this epidemic began many months ago . most likely the W.Africans are here already. would you stay there with this calamity if you were welcomed to liberal/progressive U.S.A.?

Anonymous said...

rubber gloves,100/$13. surgical masks at group gatherings are a aid.

Anonymous said...

I wish all the homegrown "experts" would stop listening to the news media for ebola coverage and actually bother to find something out about the disease...Its not nearly the threat Fox and CNN make it out to be.

Yeah, your smarmy cool type is so superior even though respected scientific periodicals like Nature have detailed that the virus, having a high mutation rate by virtue of being RNA-based, has underwent 50 mutations mutations in the first month of the current outbreak, and CDC director Tom Friedan has already said openly in a press release that an airborne mutation is in fact possible:

Anonymous said...

Remember when Congress and Senate stood outside on the Capitol steps on the eve of 9/11/01 and sang "God Bless America"? I can't help but think about that now.

Anonymous said...



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