Thursday, October 2, 2014

Don't blame Schneiderman

From the Observer:

After yet another lawmaker from southeast Queens faced criminal charges from his office, Attorney General Eric Schneiderman denied today he is taking particular aim at the area.

Mr. Schneiderman, along with State Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli and Northern District U.S. Attorney Richard Hartunian, announced the indictment of Assemblyman William Scarborough this afternoon, making Mr. Scarborough the third southeast Queens pol to be arrested following an investigation from Mr. Schneiderman’s office. But Mr. Schneiderman, a Manhattanite, argued he treats all regions equally.

“We’ve brought dozens and dozens of cases and if you ask the people we’ve indicted in Niagara County or in St. Lawrence County or in Elmira or in any other part of the state, I don’t think they’ll tell you that we’re concentrating all our efforts on Queens,” Mr. Schneiderman, a Democrat, told the Observer at a press conference in his Manhattan office.

“We’ve pursued people, town clerks and town supervisors and their cronies all over the State of New York and we will continue to do so,” he added.

The optics of a white Manhattanite indicting black elected officials has set off some grumbling in southeast Queens political circles, even if Mr. Schneiderman has a perfect conviction record there. State Senator James Sanders, Ms. Huntley’s rival in that 2012 race and her successor, raised the possibility last year, with little direct evidence, that prosecutors were unfairly targeting black lawmakers.

Is it Schneiderman's fault that Shirley rolled over on all her friends, and that they all happen to be black?


Anonymous said...

Give me a break! If you're a thief, you're a thief. Color doesn't matter. The folks in Jamaica should thank their Almighty God that someone is finally cleaning up the scum politicians in that part of Queens.

Anonymous said...

God bless you Schneiderman. You doing a great job . We need to be clean the city and state All corruption.
No need to have dirty politican. No no tolerance to corruption .

Anonymous said...

Schneiderman SHOULD target Queens, and be proud of the fact!

Anonymous said...

"Give me a break! If you're a thief, you're a thief. Color doesn't matter."

It just seems most of the thieves are black

Anonymous said...

Actually when Malcolm Smith was busted, it was with 4 white dudes.

Anonymous said...

He's doing the job that the Queens DA has not done.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Queens has it's own DA?

Anonymous said...

It just seems most of the thieves are black

This has been true since the dawn of time.

Anonymous said...

Shirley Huntley wore a wire you fools!

The AG and the DA's call her the gift that keeps on giving

Anonymous said...

What these crooked politicians have been doing should be classified as "black on black" crime, since they're screwing their own constituents, most of whom are people of color. Don't blame the law enforcement officials for doing their jobs.

And as Anon #5 pointed out, Halloran and Tabone are white.

Anonymous said...

"Actually when Malcolm Smith was busted, it was with 4 white dudes."

But that wasn't the AG, it was the Feds. Hopefully the AG is not as inept as the Feds, who caused the mistrial.

Anonymous said...

"Queens has it's own DA?"

What's the joke that I'm missing here?

And it was three white dudes, not four. Along with three black folk. Really a perfect biracial mix of equal opportunity criminality.

Anonymous said...

I thought Queens DA Richard Brown was in failing health. He still holds the position however.

JQ said...

the fools always pull out the race card when their elected officials get caught in bunches.

shirley sold them out you idiots

Anonymous said...

"Actually when Malcolm Smith was busted, it was with 4 white dudes."

Yeah but Smith was the center of it he approached the four white dudes, not the other way around

Anonymous said...

Three white dudes! Or are you counting heavy Halloran twice?

Queens Crapper said...

Dan Halloran
Vince Tabone
Jay Savino

3 white guys

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