Thursday, October 23, 2014

Alan Hevesi turns to public speaking

From Capital New York:

Alan Hevesi, who served as the comptroller of New York City and New York State before pleading guilty to state corruption charges, will speak next Monday in Queens about the corrosive influence of money in politics.

A notice for the event was posted online by the Central Queens Y, home of the Hevesi Library, which he helped co-found. Hevesi is also a former member of the New York State Assembly and taught public policy at Queens College for years.

The title of Hevesi's speech is “Big Money, Congressional Combat, and the 2014 Elections.”

Hevesi was considered a rising star in Democratic circles before he resigned.

In 2006, after winning re-election as state comptroller, Hevesi resigned from office and pleaded guilty to a felony for assigning a state worker to chauffeur his ailing wife, without reimbursing the state for the service. In 2010, Hevesi pleaded guilty to what the Times called “a sprawling corruption scheme” involving the state’s pension fund. Hevesi admitted he accepted about $1 million in exchange for steering $250 million to associates.

The event will take place at 67-09 108th Street, in Forest Hills, which Hevesi represented for many years, at 1:30 p.m. on October 27, with a suggestion donation of $5 for members, and $8 for non-members.


Anonymous said...

How is he still a member of the State Assembly?

Anonymous said...

He doesn't look anywhere like the picture . He has aged dramatically and appears very frail.

JQ said...

shell of a man,this prick is another disgrace of queens politicians betraying his constituency for the avarice of wealthy selfish assholes and personal gain.

he has nothing to contribute,I'd recommend bombing him with eggs but it's best not to show up and leave him with no one to speak to.

Anonymous said...

Suggested $5-$8 bucks to get in to hear a criminal speak about the influence of $$ in the
political system??

He should be paying people to hear him speak.

Anonymous said...

Anon No. 1:

He's not. What gives you the idea that he still is?

Anonymous said...

Next up, Donald Mannes.

Anonymous said...

I can see this corrupt piece of crap lecturing future crooks on how to get around "the system" and screw us all. The king of corruption has been deposed. Long live his heirs.

Anonymous said...

The article states that he "is" a member of the Assembly.

georgetheatheist said...

A Hevesi "blast from the past" (at Queens College):

"We really feel bad for poor Chuck [Shumer] - United States senator. The man who, uh, uh, - how do I phrase this diplomatically? - will put a bullet between the president's eyes, if he could get away with it."

All you ink-stained wretches . . . Remember, to put fresh batteries in your tape recorders.

ron s said...

Why don't disgraced released criminals realize that we don't want to see them or hear them?
Hevesi was a sneaky arrogant thief--what does he have to say of value?

Gary W said...

Yet morons from Queens voted for his son.

Anonymous said...

Another reason nothing should be named for a politician until he is dead for 10 years & nobody can remember anything scandalous about him.

Anonymous said...

He needs to supplement his 2 pensions........

Anonymous said...

He is being treated for cancer.

Anonymous said...

Its funny how the tide turns, I once heard him in class at Queens College call Al Sharpton an idiot and some other not to choice words! A few years later the 2 of them are arm in arm when he was running for NYS Comptroller! Also said Sharpton should be in jail! Well guess who was the real crook? And I hope folks remember he gave the eulogy of Donald Mannes who was the King of Crooks in Queens! My mom always taught me that birds of a feather flock together!

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