Monday, September 8, 2014

John Liu accepted campaign money from a charity and the mob

From the NY Post:

Scandal-scarred state Senate hopeful John Liu will take money from just about anyone.

The former city comptroller and failed mayoral candidate, who faces a bruising Democratic primary battle Tuesday against Queens incumbent Tony Avella, has raked in $706,190 — but some of it is from shady sources.

He accepted a donation from a group linked to Chinese organized crime, campaign filings show. And a nonprofit, the Fukien Benevolent Association, held a prohibited fund-raiser for Liu in June that raked in a reported $15,000.

Liu’s campaign also received donations from two other tax-exempt groups, which are not allowed to make political contributions.

The Fukien American Association, which shares the same East Broadway building as the Fukien Benevolent Association but is a separate organization, donated $4,000 to Liu on June 29.

The Fukien American Association has been tied to the Fuk Ching gang, a powerful organized-crime racket with branches in New York and Los Angeles that specializes in human trafficking and extorting Chinatown merchants, according to a 2007 report by the Justice Department.

Neither group returned messages seeking comment.

“The NY Post is negligently ignorant of the incontrovertible evidence that no contributions were received from a [tax-exempt] organization, and since they don’t have any facts to support their story they’re just making them up,” said Liu campaign spokesman Austin Shafran.

He failed to provide the “incontrovertible” proof, and did not address the donations from a group linked to a brutal crime ring.


Anonymous said...

I certainly hope this is true.

If so Liu has a possible criminal problem and if so , regardless of any criminal charges he's done in politics.

Anonymous said...

Love that the NY Times endorsed John Liu because he "said" he believes in Campaign Reform, what a joke that is, in more ways than one.

First off Liu said something and the NY Times believed it? Idiots!

Second Liu said something about Campaign Reforms and he didn't just explode? There is no God!

Third it was the NY Times that broke the story of Liu's campaign aides breaking the law on Campaign Funding and now they endorse the head of the snake? Seriously? They must just hate New Yorkers.

Anonymous said...

What a freaking desperate piece of garbage!

Anonymous said...

we got enough corruption in the city we don't need no more.

Anonymous said...

If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck....DON'T DO IT PEOPLE.

Heed the warning signs. Liu already owes $527,000 in fines from 2012 that he hasn't paid.

Don't reward crooks.


Anonymous said...

They all take money from the mob, be it the traditional Italian one or otherwise.

Anonymous said...

Liu is taking cash from Chinese gangsters and this just comes out now? He did it last time, too!

Anonymous said...

With all the democrats backing Liu, all the media backing Liu and all the Asian gangsters backing Liu, can we actually trust the voting numbers that will be released to the public after the election?

I really don't think so. The fix looks to be in for Liu and we have the democrat cabal of Queens to blame for this.

Funny how so many Queens democrats are indicted, resign, plea or are found guilty and the head of the Queens democrat party, Virginny Joe Crowley, sleazes by without taking responsibility or being held to account.

Anonymous said...

Avella losing tomorrow will be epic. Liu has thoroughly out worked him throughout the entire and when all the votes are tallied, it'll show.

JQ said...

Liu is fukien awful

Anonymous said...

lock him in a shipping container and put him on the next boat out of the Long Beach port

Send him back!!!

Anonymous said...

So are there any penalties for any of this?

Anonymous said...

The most recent blunder from Mr. Comptroller

Anonymous said...

I was at a couple of supermarkets In Whitestone, Bayside and Flushing today. Liu supporters were out in strength.

Avella supporters were nowhere to be found.

Anonymous said...

Exposed....the Liu crime family ties!

Anonymous said...

"I was at a couple of supermarkets In Whitestone, Bayside and Flushing today. Liu supporters were out in strength.

Avella supporters were nowhere to be found."

I know avella supporters are out knocking doors and making calls in strength. Received a call and a door knock this afternoon, was happy to tell them both that I still plan on voting for him tomorrow! I think liu is being seen more publicly because he has raised much more than Avella. He can afford to send people to malls and shopping centers while Avella has to be smarter with his money and people.

Anonymous said...

I encountered two Bx. Science pupils handing out leaflets for Liu at Waldbaums. when I was finished tutoring them about their candidate, they were stunned.
especially the fact that their parents property taxes increased 21%,while liu was City councilman.

$$$$ trumps ethnicity

they were working free of wages. that was a month ago , I never saw them again at waldbaums.

Anonymous said...

Nothing wrong with volunteering, even though they were working for the wrong guy, Gramps.

Anonymous said...

Look at the smirk on Don Paulo Vallone...a mobster....political...if I ever saw one.

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