Thursday, August 14, 2014

Bedbugs now aboard the 7 train...

From WPIX:

Bedbugs are now apparently taking advantage of the free subway transfer.

The MTA is investigating a report that bedbugs were spotted on the No. 7 train Tuesday morning, according to Business Insider.

A rider told the website he spotted the bugs coming out from under a seat on a Manhattan bound train.

If true, it will be the third line to become infected with bedbugs in the past week.


Anonymous said...

A thorough investigation will reveal that Queens is the breeder and epicenter of bedbugs. Queens: Vibrant . Diverse. Filthy.

A Better NYC said...

It's only a matter of time before we hear that bedbugs are a delicacy in China.

Anonymous said...

Manhattan has the most bedbugs because it has the most hotels. But don't let facts get in the way of you ranting about other commenters.

Joe Moretti said...

The number 7 train, the epitome of what is wrong with Queens: low-class diverse and vibrant population.

Might be more of a rant than fact, but a rant based on fact by just opening your eyes and seeing and being honest as opposed to hiding behind political correctness bullshit.

Anonymous said...

I would be shocked if bedbugs were not found on every single train car in the city.

Anonymous said...

That's what happens when you bring third worlders into the country. We going to get Ebola, Tb, Asian beetles and all other types of diseases from these third worlders.

Anonymous said...

I understand there is nothing that can be said to make people realize it's not okay to make stupid comments like the ones all over this website sarcastically talking about "vibrant and diverse".

But goddamn does it hurt when people say that. I belong to the group of people that you all hate with a passion and it's just frustrating to know this is how people really feel.

I guess the only thing we can do is continue to get educated so that one day when you say all these things our actions can speak louder than your words.

Queens Crapper said...

I think this is more a problem with landlords choosing to not pay to eradicate bedbugs rather than people being dirty.

Joe Moretti said...

Anon stated:

"But goddamn does it hurt when people say that. I belong to the group of people that you all hate with a passion and it's just frustrating to know this is how people really feel.

I guess the only thing we can do is continue to get educated so that one day when you say all these things our actions can speak louder than your words."

Well, maybe if the "diverse & vibrant" population educate themselves with the rules and laws of New York City, like disposing of garbage properly, illegal curb cuts, etc, then maybe people would not have so much a problem. And learning English is another good step. Look, it is not the groups of people that are being hated, it is the behavior of said people which then turns communities into shit.

Anonymous said...

Bed bugs are not known to spread disease, but rodents (google glis glis pestilence) are much more frequent subway riders, and scavenger pig-eon droppings are the back of nearly bus seat.

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