Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Speaker is still a pork princess

From Crains:

A nonprofit organization founded and represented by the chief political consultant of Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito saw its pork-barrel funding quadruple in a speaker's first budget, through a system that critics say remains politicized despite reforms.

Of the $1.3 million windfall allocated to the nonprofit Hispanic Federation in the city budget passed last Wednesday, more than $830,000 came from a newly created program funded by monies directly under Ms. Mark-Viverito's control. The lobbying firm that serves as her campaign consultant, the Manhattan-based MirRam Group, specifically lobbied lawmakers including Ms. Mark-Viverito to create the fund.

Luis Miranda, a founding partner of the MirRam Group, who is close to Ms. Mark-Viverito, founded the influential Hispanic Federation in 1990 and now serves as its paid lobbyist. The Hispanic Federation has also paid more than $680,000 for "consulting" to MirRam and a firm registered to Mr. Miranda and his wife, the New York Post reported in 2012.


Anonymous said...

So what else is new?

Anonymous said...

Her close friend is Jimmy Van Bramer and if you want to see pork just ask him about his pet projects.

Anonymous said...

You couldn't pay me enough to pork her.

Anonymous said...

When can i start my "White Federation" and who should i speak to about funding???

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