Thursday, July 3, 2014

Sad situation in Jamaica getting worse

From Cleanup Jamaica Queens Now:

In Jamaica we have a whole set of different rules compared to civilized communities. Well, really we here in Jamaica don’t even have rules, it is pretty much do whatever the hell you want and the bottom of the barrel people we have here know that and that is the reason we see the same old sh*t over and over again.

Garbage just being dumped on sidewalks and streets like this is some third world sh*thole country. People parking their cars anywhere they damn well please like up over sidewalk over and over again. People getting shot in the head, the most recent on Saturday night in Cambria Heights. You know, regular “hood” sh*t that has become the norm in Jamaica.

You know the deal, same old song stuck on repeat.

And then Pamela Hazel weighs in:
"Well, Senator Sanders, election is right around the corner. Do you know what else is, right around the corner from your advertisement? It is James Fobb's eyesore.
Pardon the pun.

Please do not invoke "I do not know," unless you live under a rock.

A few feet further and what do you know ---- another eyesore on Guy R. Brewer Boulevard."


Joe Moretti said...

Sanders people have the nerve to put up this huge sign of his, meanwhile that particular section where the sign is, is a total disgrace of garbage everywhere, drug dealing bodegas, crime and shooting.

Just tells you about the leadership in Jamaica.


Anonymous said...

Joe, you're still there? I heard that the new BP will be working on turning Jamaica around. This has been attempted numerous times over the last 40 years. Not sure if this time, something will change. Keep up the charge! I was up by Jamaica Av last week. You would never know that there was a BID in place taking care of business. Shocking ! I thought I was at a giant outdoor flea market....

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