Sunday, July 6, 2014

Queens Tribune forgets what "free speech" means

From a Queens Tribune editorial:

"These families deserve better than to have a mob of people yelling at them to leave or to find a job. They likely already feel like second-class citizens. There was no reason for protesters to take their frustrations with the Dept. of Homeless Services out on the individuals seeking shelter at the empty hotel. The actions of those protesters were abhorrent, and those families who are now housed at the Pan American deserve no less than an apology, not just from that mob, but from the local officials who allowed it to happen."

The "poor families" who screamed out that protesters should "go make chicken wings" and "go back to China" deserve an apology? (You'll notice no mention of the counter-protesters' behavior in either the editorial or the Trib's story.)

And since when do local officials "allow" people to express their right to free speech? Holy crap, I can't believe a media outlet - its very existence dependent on the first amendment - actually wrote this sh*t!


Anonymous said...

NYPD squelches protests they don't approve of all the time, arresting people for disorderly conduct and resisting arrest. Free speech in NYC died a long time ago.

Anonymous said...

This from a "Newspaper" that condones the exploitation of asian women in their back pages.

Man With No Name said...

This is Queens.

You do not have the right to stray from the script that is handed to you or the role that someone expects you to play.

The system considers you the serf of your councilman without the right to express your opinion, to think independently, or to criticize anyone who is in a position of authority.

This is enforced by a careful distribution of your taxes back into the community, a control of information through party mouthpieces like the Tribune, and enforcement by those whom the machine has bought with trinkets and ice cream money.

There is lots of money to be made in poverty, and lots of jobs to be given out to soldiers on the War of Poverty.

The machine is already working on nominating 'community leaders' who will go along with this by selling their community down the river in exchange for a smile, a pat on the head, and some loose change.

This is Queens.

This is the closest place to hell you can find in the USA and the most distant place from the real USA in the country.

Anonymous said...

We're living in a dangerous time. The media, and people in general, no longer understand what 'freedom' and 'rights' are to a people. The damage is done in the colleges and universities initially. Conservative minded people, need to raise money and start new colleges and open new news papers. The few free (and please pardon the obscene pun) rags you find at the train stations are way left, liberal, and progressive (what a perversion of the word progressive); you don't see anything to counter that.

Mike Francesa said...

Let's house some homeless in the tribune's headquarters and the editor in chief can take a few home too.

Anonymous said...

Hey now. Those bums have an inalienable right to both free speech and free shelter so leave them be-after all, they are victims of society. LOL.

Anonymous said...

Good thing we have other better papers like times ledger and chronicle. Much better coverage of this and most things.

Anonymous said...

These very liberal papers forgot to mention that Linda Black said there are also 11 out-of-state homeless families being warehoused at this place. My taxes are now paying for out of staters. What a country. What about the cars that some of these poor folks are driving around in???? I thought they were all down & out, destitute!! Who's paying for insurance, gas etc. Hmmmm. Now the owners have covered the fence on 51st Ave. so those poor people who are hanging out drinking, til late at night, can't be seen by the homeowners or the community. Food is being brought in from a place called WAWA, a firm located in the Bronx & NJ. These poor folks all have EBT cards to make food purchases with & there's a big kitchen for them to cook in ~ so why is this company bringing in food? Wake up people & smell the roses. The "Mets Motel" a few blocks away is also a Samaritan Village shelter & the owner was going to receive $90 per head from the city, for all he housed at his unit. I wonder how much the City pays now. It's a filthy hole, with lots of prostitutes & their "John's", there's drugs name it, it's there. Ten years down the road the Pan Am will be the same and a once beautiful & thriving community will be gone.

Anonymous said...

these homeless people are living in a disgraceful life as humanbeings. and they feel no shame.

they can walk, they can talk. their bodies function well as normal people. why don't they juse get a job and pay rent?

A Better NYC said...

Here's an idea...

Rather than the city giving homeless people housing, food stamps, cell phones, welfare checks, about giving them jobs instead...?!?

Anonymous said...

What is the reaction that Queens Tribune expects from hard-working taxpayers looking upon the able-bodied who can work but don't? Hugs?

Transferring wealth on this scale merely to buy the votes of idle is the stuff revolutions are made of. The idle able-bodied adults are the entitled aristocracy of this generation.

Middle Villager said...

This will continue to go on in Elmhurst and Glendale and any other middle class neighborhoods in the city. Samaritan Village is running a very profitable, not-for-profit that is run by ex city and state appointees that have now figured out the big money is in exploiting the system that they have created. I'll bet Lisa Black and some other DHS people will be on the Samaritan Village payroll in a couple of years. The politicians that can stop this are useless, it's a one party system that runs this city and it is being run by a reincarnated Boss Tweed. Remember this at election time folks.

Anonymous said...

Reminds me of how Ronald Reagan said Hispanics (and now Asians) are naturally Republican, they just don't know it yet.

Anonymous said...

Rather than the city giving homeless people housing, food stamps, cell phones, welfare checks, about giving them jobs instead...?!?


Go to China, places like Shanghai. The streets are clean and the fences/lightposts/etc are all clean and freshly painted.

China gives jobs to the poor to basically go around and do this kind of work all day long.

We cant do that here, because its somehow inhumane/racist/oppressive/etc to actually ask people to provide a service to the community in exchange for the roof over their heads. No, you just have to give it to them for nothing in return.

Anonymous said...

Middle Villager said...
This will continue to go on in Elmhurst and Glendale and any other middle class neighborhoods in the city...


Of course. That all part of Mayor Reds plan. Its too much work to build up the lower class (or, even trying to get them to help themselves). Its much easier to tear down those above.

Its the easy path to a socialist paradise. If you make everyone poor, everyone will depend on you.

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