Sunday, July 6, 2014

No more noise!

From the Queens Chronicle:

Loud, overcrowded parties in residential neighborhoods once again will be under a microscope this summer in the NYPD’s 105th Precinct.

Civic and elected officials on Monday formally kicked off the second year of the Summer Noise Task Force, which is aimed at keeping neighborhoods free of gatherings that proliferate to the size of block parties and often have music blaring through commercial-sized speakers.

“We’re not saying you can’t have fun in your backyard,” Councilman Donovan Richards (D-Laurelton) said outside the Laurelton Library. “What we don’t want is parties with 300 or 400 people. Our neighborhoods can’t take that.”

The noise task force is a joint effort on the part of civic organizations, elected officials and the precinct to be proactive and deal with such parties before they start.

Faith Hill of Springfield Gardens said the music from some of the parties can be heard two or more blocks away.

“It might start out something small in people’s backyard,” she said. “But 400 people show up because they post the party on Facebook and Twitter.”

Richards also said some take place when homeowners rent out their backyards to party organizers.

“People they don’t even know,” he said.

The councilman did say that the NYPD now has the authority under some circumstances to seize the speakers and DJ equipment.


Joe Moretti said...

Richards seems to be the ONLY local Jamaica elected leaders who actually thinks and put words into action plans as compared to the rest. And why is Leroy Comrie in the photo (he is standing next to the woman on the right, though you barely can see him in this photo compared to others), he has never addressed this issue or any other issue in his district when he was councilman for 12 years. OH YEAH, he is running for Senate, so now all of a sudden he cares about quality of life issues. What a hypocrite and asshole.

We need more leaders like Richards and more "zero tolerance" in regards to quality of life issues.

Anonymous said...

While Jimmy No Braner was mixing it up with elite hipsters on the waterfront our block was bombarded by 100s of fireworks that blocked traffic on our busy street for most of the night.

This followed the near riots that has been going on in Astoria for weeks while the world's ghettos played out their country turf wars over that alien thing soccer(that we suddenly love because it sells tv ads and lots of beer and makes plenty of money for the bars.)

Formerly community streets are now bombarded with bars without walls whose music can be heard blocks away and whose thumping beg kegs can be heard at 4 in the morning.

Rumors throughout the community on mayhem and worse from the world cup madness but you would never see it in the press.

What you do see is how Costa gave $2 million for a local community park that bought 100 votes that will ignore the rest of the community's plight.

Anonymous said...

So how long before we hear the cries of the NYPD being racist, and unjustly harassing the minority community for giving out summonses for noise, or taking stereo equipment, even though it will be from an out of control free for all party?

When will we have the press conferences and marches with the "community activists" with the youths who were "harassed" by this policy, demanding it be stopped?

They will claim that they were only having a good time, and that it does not matter that their music could be heard from 4 blocks away at 3 AM and there were people acting disorderly. It won't matter. The only thing that will matter is the racist police trying to summons people because of skin color. (Oh yeah and don't forget the multimillion dollar lawsuit for police harassment for good measure).

And that is why now a days when you call 911 the cops don't do anything.

Anonymous said...

I never understood why homeowners who are having a backyard party and the backyard can only fit maybe 50 people, use speakers that are meant for a club that can hold a 1000 people. Why do you think people complain?

Anonymous said...

Please go after the guidos in Flushing, Bayside and Whitestone - they get away with murder!

Probably bought Vallone's election for him!

Anonymous said...

In the old days when all hell lets loose in the community, the party boss used to walk the streets calming the crowds and getting a view first hand on what is going on.


Well Jimmy hangs with the elites while his old nabe goes to hell.

Honest Joe Crowley just shows up to fund raise and harvest his crop of cash. That, rather then helping us, is how he can build his resume and advance in DC.

Anonymous said...

Back yard parties??On 140 Ave near Bedell they have their parties right on the FRONT lawn for years. Everyday. Cleaning,cooking food. Tables,chairs,grills ect. All right on the 140 Ave strip. In a Garden Apartment Complex.

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