Thursday, July 3, 2014

More Ciafone violations at 154 Huron Street

Ah, 154 Huron Street in Greenpoint. Another John Ciafone special. This one is right next door to the HQ of the North Brooklyn Development Group. (This is the group charged with determining who gets the money from the Exxon settlement. John's wife, Gina Argento sits on the board and votes to send money to the boat club residing on her property.)
Anyway, Johnny boy has quite a few outstanding issues and fines to pay on this one.
This one is my favorite violation. Good thing Gina was just appointed to the Mayor's Fund to Advance NYC, otherwise he might end up on the slumlord list again.
Does anyone believe this guy has an office at 1 Rockefeller Plaza?


r185 said...

Good God, but how many buildings does this guy own?!

Anonymous said...

They should turn Ciafone buildings into DHS shelters. Bet you those violations would be addressed ASAP!

Anonymous said...

So under that cheap, shitty stucco is a beautiful old brick building that this gavon just had to cover up and then have painted in the most hideous shade imaginable!

Does he hate NYC or what?

The Aesthetics Police should arrest him! If only they existed. They'd never make it out of Flooshing! Or Corona! Or Elmhurst!

Anonymous said...

If you go to the E Courts website & type John Ciafone's name into the "WebCivil Local" search "Party Search", you'll see the there are numerous Con Edison cases against Ciafone.

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