Monday, July 7, 2014

Main Street LIRR station has seen cleaner days

This has been the setting of the Main street LIRR station for years now.

No garbage can in sight. And now, the fence had been torn down separating the stairway and building.

This is beyond gross.

And yet, nothing will be done about this except an elevator that will never come and when it does, will be nothing more than another trash can and public toilet.

Thank you.

Saddened in Flushing


Anonymous said...

Those walk boards along the mural have been there for years.

Anonymous said...

Why does that mural remind me of Soviet era propaganda depicting rugged serious, but happy workers with rubles and packages bulging from their pockets?

One party systems have such interesting heros.

Anonymous said...

Why did they bother installing a beautiful mural in such a dump of a neighborhood? Did they think by putting it there people would respect the area around it and keep it clean ? Ha Ha Ha . Obviously they didn't realize that Flushing is vibrant and diverse on its own and doesn't need a dumb murall!

Anonymous said...

Where's the Flushing BID? Another example that BIDs are a complete farce! An investigation please.

Joe Moretti said...

Wow, this makes Jamaica look pristine.

Anonymous said...

Oh but Councilman Peter Koo says Flushing is beautiful and he doesn't want to hear about the dirty streets.

Anonymous said...

How appropriately Third World!

Look at who lives there - the Asians in Flushing are filthy! You see them throwing garbage on the ground, spitting and blowing their noses without tissues all the time!

We need really strong littering fines and Public Service Announcements like back in the 60s.

Anonymous said...

What's wrong with any of that? Isn't that the look that we are going for? It looks like it could be a scene from any third world country.

In our efforts to be vibrant and diverse we have been striving to get to this point. Now that we have arrived to third world country status, it is a problem? Celebrate the beautiful mosaic that is Queens!

Anonymous said...

Didn't the MTA also take the garbage cans out of the Main Street subway station? The rationale is that it if commuters don't see a trash can, they will be "forced" to take their trash with them. How's that working out?

Anonymous said...

So where are our electeds?

This is the result of giving tax subsidies to developers - there is no money for the rest of us.

The Democratic Organization just shows up for photo ops and fund raising letting everything else fall apart. In the background they are systematically hollowing out our communities for development.

They just don't care.

Anonymous said...

I just walked thru Downtown Flushing this morning. What a mess.

Anonymous said...

On April 20, 2006 Several Community "Leaders" gathered for a press conference announcing an initiative to clean up that mess, among the "Leaders" were Stavisky, Koo, Meng (Grace & Father Jimmy) Members of CB7. 8 years later nothing has changed. It's not the Railroad it's the pigs that live there that are creating those conditions...

Anonymous said...

Another clean up initiative in Flushing. Yawn.

Anonymous said...

Flushing is a filthy craphole! Who needs cleanliness when Queens is so vibrant and diverse?!

Anonymous said...

Enough with the Vibrant and Diverse, multi-cultural crap! These people have destroyed Queens because our politicians and police force let them!

Chicago has an enormous Mexican population and a sizable PR one and their neighborhoods are beautiful - nothing like the twin shitholes of Corona and Elmhurst - so it's not necessarily a Latino thing.

The bar is SOOOOOOOOOOOO low in Queens!

Anonymous said...

Diversity is killing America. And White America is being used for bait by American-hating Liberals to further their sick agenda.

Anonymous said...

I doubt the LIRR cares.

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