Saturday, July 5, 2014

Crowley confused about district projects

Back in November of 2013, Council Member Elizabeth Crowley stated, point blank: "The City has no plans to build a shelter" at an industrial site in Glendale. So how did we come to this?

From the Queens Chronicle:

The results of the long-awaited environmental study of 78-16 Cooper Ave. in Glendale, the site of a proposed 125-family homeless shelter, have been released by the Department of Homeless Services.

To the chagrin of many shelter opponents, the project is moving forward as planned.

The land the former factory sits on has been deemed suitable for the planned shelter by AECOM USA Inc., the independent assessment company hired by DHS, and the city informed Community Board 5 and area elected officials in a letter dated July 1 that it "will proceed" with the controversial plan.

"We ask that you review the report and respond with any concerns on or before Friday, July 11," the letter, signed by DHS Commissioner Gilbert Taylor, reads. "After this date, we will proceed with the next stage of contract negotiations for 125 families with children at this facility."

That was some piss poor lying there, Miss Lizzy!

In addition, this was in Council Member Crowley's spring newsletter:

Since Parks said quite some time ago that they were going to stop the improvements after Phase 1 due to lack of funding, then what is Miss Lizzy talking about when she says there's more to come? Could she possibly be in favor of the following decommissioning plan?

From the Queens Chronicle?

The department indicated that the scope of work for the decommissioning will require the removal of embankment fill materials in order to create breaches in the dam, clearing vegetation around the breaches, removal of only those trees that are growing from or blocking access to the breach locations and replacement of removed trees in better locations.

Members of the audience pulled no punches when expressing their opposition to the plans. Reflecting later on the discussion, Fiedler wondered, “Why is it classified as a high-hazard dam? It hasn’t held water for 60 years. I don’t get it.”

The dam has been classified by the DEC as a Class C or high-hazard dam. Such a designation does not take into account the dam’s condition, but the estimated consequences that would result in the event of a dam’s failure. A Class C designation is used to indicate that the dam’s failure may result in widespread or serious damage to homes, highways, buildings, railroads and utilities.

“I and others believe that the current Class C designation is in error. We believe that it already qualifies as a Class D dam,” said environmentalist Steve Nanz in a report that was distributed at the meeting.

Failure of a Class D dam would result in negligible or no hazards, often assigned to a structure that has been breached or removed, and generally considered to be defunct and posing little or no hazard.

The DEC’s Alon Dominitz indicated it was a staff decision to leave it as a C.

Yoo hoo, Dizzy Lizzy.... why have you, a self-proclaimed "environmentalist" not done jack shit about this and are instead sending out taxpayer-funded newsletters implying that there's more positive change to come?


Anonymous said...

How much water is currently in the basins? (in acre-feet or gallons ideally)

This part of the city has too many cemeteries. The city should turn them into proper parks with ball fields.

Anonymous said...

"This part of the city has too many cemeteries. The city should turn them into proper parks with ball fields.

This must have been posted by Dizzy Lizzy.

Queens Crapper said...

Parks Dept estimates that there has been ~4 feet in the second basin. The water level has never gone above 6 feet.

Anonymous said...

Elizabeth Crowley is by far the dumbest elected official in the City of NY, and we have some doozies. I heard her speak in person as few times and couldn't believe it. One speech was worse than the other. She has a huge problem with multi-syllable words. How did she even get nominated by her party much yet elected?

Anonymous said...

That video was from a debate just before the fall elections. Is anyone surprised that she lied?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I'm sick to my core about this. As a Middle Village resident, my heart is breaking. 125 homeless families, with god knows how many kids. Where are they going to go to school? Where are middle class families supposed to live? Why can't one of these "big developers," come in a "save us?" I'll take that over this CRAP!!!

Anonymous said...

Dizzy Lizzy is part and parcel of the governing culture of Queens that has its book on our necks.

I remember hearing a story about Jimmy Van Bramer.

When one of his constituents criticized his suspicious lavish spending of taxpayer monies on a questionable non-profit he dismissed it with that arrogant whine of his. The justification? None. It was simply question because 'he likes them.'

When the dollar amount that he gave was mentioned, he was taken aback that a constituent would actually research something he did.

He then denied that the he gave that organization the amount quoted.

Jimmy's newsletter was produced.

The damning amount was there for all to see.

Without batting an eye, Jimmy said "its a typo."

His training from his many years at the Queens Library is evident for all to see. He is a product of that culture and is cut from the same cloth.

Anonymous said...

How did she even get nominated by her party much yet elected


willie h. said...

It's become obvious that Crowley, Parks and DEC knew all along what the agenda was/is but lied through their teeth at all of the meetings, hence the erroneous and false Class C status given the Reservoir. This false status makes breaching a legal requirement with the end result being the draining of the marsh.

Anonymous said...

"Elizabeth Crowley is by far the dumbest elected official in the City of NY...How did she even get nominated by her party much yet elected?"

She's Virginia Joe Crowley's cousin.

Anonymous said...

Time to say it again -- "You get the government you deserve." She has held this seat before and continues to get elected over and over again. It's all about the money. Her cousin Virginia Joe Crowley funds her and the stupid constituents vote here in. Queens is finished. Wonder where Dizzy Lizzy lives. She wouldn't think twice about dumping on her own neighborhood if there was a huge payout at the end. She's clueless and we have to suffer because of it.

Anonymous said...

How did she even get nominated by her party much yet elected?

Although not necessarily a gifted speaker, she's still extremely talented with her mouth - and does her best work on her back.

Ned said...

Tip of the iceberg and but worries in the end people.
Once the transformation of America is complete, and there’s not much difference between New York and Guatamala, or between San Francisco and Mexico, Queens and El Salvador, the invasions and need for all this new living space & neighborhood breaking will cease.
America will no longer be the stuff of the dreams of “the huddled masses, yearning to be free.” Nobody will want to come here, because it will be no better than the miserable shitholes these illegals have created and left behind. Given these FACTS we can see the Blasio-Obama future, and it doesn’t work, and past the point of no return with the damage done.
Enjoy your future 3rd world cesspool sheeple voters!!

Im thinking of cashing out, hiding my $$$ and buying a small shithole in south Jamaica. That forgotten disaster area may actually be the best place to live & retire come 15 years when the country is finished and broke

Anonymous said...

If Liz is not giving skull she is always gray matter between her ears.

Anonymous said...

That's also a great new spelling of "renovation", Lizzy.

Anonymous said...

This is freaking ridiculous! !! That lying pile of filth expects us to live with flooded basements, armed robbing and filthy sidewalks and streets. Now shes adding over 125 FAMILIES! !! There has to be a way to fight this.!!

Jessica said...

There is NO MORE ROOM in Glendale!!! Put these people somewhere else!

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