Monday, June 16, 2014

"State citizenship" proposed for illegal aliens

From the Daily News:

Undocumented immigrants in New York could become “state citizens” with a slew of benefits from driver’s licenses to voting rights under a bill to be introduced Monday.

Advocates are set to announce the measure that would allow immigrants who aren’t U.S. citizens to become New York State citizens if they can prove they’ve lived and paid taxes in the state for three years and pledge to uphold New York laws — regardless of whether they’re in the country legally.

The state bill, which would apply to about 2.7 million New Yorkers, will face long odds in Albany, where even more modest immigration reforms have failed to pass.

People who secured state citizenship would be able to vote in state and local elections and run for state office. They could get a driver’s license, a professional license, Medicaid and other benefits controlled by the state. Immigrants would also be eligible for in-state tuition and financial aid.


Anonymous said...

"who pledge to uphold New York laws"

Hahaha what a joke. When did criminals, gang members and fence jumping trespassers decide to obey laws?
What these Democrats are doing to destroy the 2 party system and middle class Americans is also criminal.

Anonymous said...

This is crap! Why should any illegal have the same rights as a citizen? So Then what? We already have the most homeless in this country, but now we will have the most illegals here too? This is crap! No illegal should have the same rights as any USA citizen! Cuomo and schumer must be voted out of office along with every other politician in NYC! Unfortunately, dumblasio still has years left!

Anonymous said...

Since the illegals don't pay taxes, who's going to pay for all those benefits?

Anonymous said...

WTF?? Why don't we just release criminals from jail and give them state pensions.

What LOON wants to allow illegal aliens to run for state office?
I want names! Who is proposing this nonsense?

Anonymous said...

I should hope this "faces long odds in Albany!" And proponents can propose anything-- doesn't make it law. This will never happen. It's too absurd.

A Better NYC said...

So basically there's no such thing as being an illegal alien.

Anonymous said...

From the News article:
"Advocates are set to announce the measure that would allow immigrants who aren’t U.S. citizens to become New York State citizens if they can prove they’ve lived and paid taxes in the state for three years and..."

Read it once, then again.
Never mind pledging to uphold law. "Paid taxes and can prove it" is the lynch-pin.

Sales taxes? Maybe.

Property taxes? Nope.

State and City Income taxes? Nope.

Federal taxes? Nah.

If they say yes, whose SS # was used.

Whoops! What about upholding the law?

Anonymous said...

Aren't immigration laws federal laws? What right does a local government have to change laws to accommodate criminals? Why cheapen our citizenship? Taxpayers pay for these criminals, while struggling to survive and support their own families. Wouldn't it be cheaper to pay for a plane ticket and deport them? If there is a vote on this and it passes, watch the middle class head for the exits. Who will pay for the illegals then? Why can't the taxpayers vote on this most important issue. The people never get a say when it comes to these issues and it affects their household budgets. Politicians love this because it ensures job security for them. These low life politicians will never have to look for a job because this is all about votes. Term limit all of them. Queens is the dumping ground for illegal aliens. Queens also has the worst and most corrupt politicians.

Anonymous said...

Deport the damn politicians!

Anonymous said...

Utter nonsense. And these people don't vote anyway. They just enjoy freeloading off of our system.

Anonymous said...

Are you f***ing kidding me? Enough with this nonsense! We should be focusing on how to stop the flood of illegals here, and on deporting the ones who are already here illegally. Not finding ways to coddle them and lure more of them here, while making life harder for the middle class citizens who are doing the right thing and struggling to get by.

Anonymous said...

"Why cheapen our citizenship?"

Because those sponsoring the measure do not respect citizenship. All it means to them is more votes to keep THEIR job in Albany. And they will buy those votes by pandering to illegals and their ilk and promising goods paid for by our tax dollars that the benefactors of this government largesse do not contribute to.

Sadly few local politicians will have the intestinal fortitude to object to this joke being perpetrated on the tax paying citizens of this state and city.

Anonymous said...

I want names! What numskulls are proposing this?

Anonymous said...

If you are illgeal, you actually can pay taxes, by getting a taxpayer ID. You do not need a social security number.

Joe said...

"Wouldn't it be cheaper to pay for a plane ticket and deport them"

It sure would ! DHS just did 6 or so airplane loads Texas to Boston, a longer distance then sending them back.
Problem is the president allocated around 1.2 Billion dollar's to get them lawyers and says these mega breeding future Democrat section 8s have the same rights as Americans as far has he is concerned (F_ laws).
This not including billions $$ MORE for healthcare, dental, diapers, food, shelter, (likely Walmart) shopping vouchers, cellphones etc. He wants them to stay, this is INSANE.
It will no doubt completely destroy all the public schools. 3 hour school day shifts or 7 year educations to fit all these kids ?
Most these people are bad alcoholics, drivers licenses will lead to them killing us on the roads. You KNOW these lawless will never keep up the insurance premiums. Insurance brokers will be happy to take that $125 fee for a temp insurance card that allows them to get a car registered.
The country is in DEEP DEEP shit, these people will repeat the same lawless mega-breeding process they did to their home country's here and it wont take long 15 years perhaps

Anonymous said...

Since the elected officials abandon the citizens once in office I believe its time to make an example of one. Click, click....bang

Anonymous said...

"Aren't immigration laws federal laws? "

Yes, and immigration policy and laws are to be decided by congress according to the laws of the US.

Sadly the president (and some state officials) seems to think it's in their purview.

We've become a lawless nation.

Anonymous said...

NY politicians do not read the USCIS website -updated in 2010. According to the federal law which applies to all states, all individuals who entered the US without a valid visa or have remained in the US more than 30 days after their visa expired must be deported within 48 hours. Legalizing illegal immigrants at local level means committing a crime against federal laws!

Illegal immigrants cannot prove they paid taxes because they do not pay taxes since they do not have the right to work or remain in the US since, again, they are illegally present on the US territory.

It is at least bizarre that the US, contrary to any other country, is more preoccupied with illegal immigrants instead to deal with the security and the well-being of its own citizens.

Anonymous said...

I want out now.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous #4: Gustavo Rivera introduced the bill

Anonymous said...

"Gustavo Rivera"

sounds like

Juan Epstein to me ;)

Anonymous said...

Vote Cuomo out of office! Next schumer needs to go when his time for reelection comes! Stop voting these same illegal lovers into office!

Anonymous said...

is it time to RECALL the Marxist Mayor ?

Anonymous said...

"Since the elected officials abandon the citizens once in office I believe its time to make an example of one. Click, click....bang.

You first, bub.

Anonymous said...

Anon No. 22:

Have either Cuomo or Schumer given any indication that they support this legislation?

Joe Moretti said...

Just go into a heavily immigrant community in Queens from Mexico, Pakistan/Bangladesh or Middle Eastern.

Enough said.

Talk about lower property values and making a mess of a once nice neighborhood.

Joe Moretti said...

PS: How many of these elected official live in a "diverse and vibrant" community?

Anonymous said...

First, State citizenship, and then the right to vote in State elections.

Anonymous said...

These illegals got it made in the shade

Under the authority of the Homeland Security Act, once the federal government transfers custody of illegal immigrants (including the horde currently coming through the border) the state that get "their share(regardless of their legal status) must provide:
Classroom education, health care, dental Care, socialization/recreation, vocational training, mental health services, family reunification services, drug and alcohol programs, access to legal services, and case management
They are to be treated better than legal US citizens who will be paying for it all !!
No way can New York or any other state afford this under current traditional economics and taxes.

Note "family reunification services"
As in bring over the rest of there usually huge family with perpetually pregnant single females unable to ever work HERE !!

Ned said...

"Why should any illegal have the same rights as a citizen"
Actually Illegal’s have been "AWARDED" more rights under the authority of the new altered Homeland Security Acts.
Nobody was apparently paying attention when this orchestrated "fix" was rammed down our throats and "tweaked" with 1000 of pages of sneaky stealthy socialist bullshit and boilerplate. Much like Obamacare was orchestrated. Only with this there can be no turning back (much back like busting a dam) Destroy both the GOP and the older NIMBYS then bring in a 1 party socialist system, grab all the guns, make MORE changes, more controls to re-distribute property & wealth via taxes, $1000 DMV car registration renewals, $400 new license plates and red light camera traps along the way etc.
(My opinion of course)

Ben Franklyn, Thomas Jefferson and several other for-fathers warned of all this danger however it’s been taboo to bring up in schools and university's since the late 1960s.
As that Canadian Randy Bachman told America "You aint seen nothing yet" "your never gonna forget"
RIP Northeast and California, you wanted Democrats (Coumo II Schumer and Rivera" included) now enjoy the grand prize.

Thomas Jefferson both warned and gave a solution. A must read is here.

Anonymous said...

They are being shipped here, most the women and teenagers are pregnant !! Reda quick before the feds order the NY Times to take it down !!!

Jun 18, 2014 • Federal officials will not reveal how many women and children they are holding, how many are now being released in New York City

Anonymous said...

the mayor of Marxism is proud that he went to S.America in the 1980's to give support to the communist sandinistas. could his new power and allegiance with the Obama regime have initiated the FORCED IMMIGRATION SURGE of(90,000 IN 10 MONTHS) ILLEGAL SIBLINGS into the USA cities for citizens to support forever ?

Anonymous said...

Anon no. 31. If it's on the Times website, it's also in the paper. Cool your paranoia (and learn how to spell "Read). Nothing's going to be taken down.

Anonymous said...

paranoia ?
They have already jailed border agents and reporters for "interfering with a government operation" "security" "disobeying orders"
DHS also threatened Matt Drudge for posting photos of Mexican military personal on the US side of the fence helping a line people over. (Many with backpacks)
Now they are going after Sheriff Joe Arpaio for using the words "Illegal Immigrants" together and adding this about diapers.
Its gotten so crazy nobody can believe it, New York is deliberately being kept in the total dark.

Anonymous said...

Anon No. 34: Paranoia.

Anonymous said...


Ben Franklyn? Who is that?

Ned said...

Somebody is voicing some displeasure with my spelling of Franklyn or “Franklin”
Refer to Benjamin Franklin “Political, Miscel¬laneous, and Philosophical Pieces” published in 1779
In it Franklin new phonetic alphabet uses all the lowercase letters of the Latin alphabet, minus c, j, q, w, x, and y, which he thought redundant, plus six new letters for sounds which he thought lacked unambiguous orthographic representation. The other letters all adhered to the principle of one symbol (or unique digraph) per one sound. In the piece Franklin signs off “Benjamin Franklyn 1779” as an example
Franklin drew up and was about to commission a foundry to prepare a suitable type fonts including for the 6 new letters, but soon lost interest when he became ill. The next person to pick it up was Noah Webster where most your auto-correct software (English) is based on.

May both you Anon-troll and Microsoft strategically place your lips on my lower posterior and kiss it repeatedly.


Anonymous said...

Ned -

May you learn to spell correctly.

Anonymous said...

"Since the elected officials abandon the citizens once in office I believe its time to make an example of one. Click, click....bang.

"You first, bub."

Locked & Loaded

Anonymous said...

Anon No. 39:

Then go ahead. Do it and face the consequences in court.

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