Sunday, May 11, 2014

She was just elected 6 months ago...

Subject: Song for You!
Date: Mon, 05 May 2014 15:14:57 -0400
From: Melinda Katz

Dear ----

Joe Crowley and I want to sing you a song! Please join us at my Celebration of 20 Years of Public Service next Monday, May 12, from 6pm-8pm at Manducatis Rustica - 46-33 Vernon Blvd, Long Island City.

Please note that there are two Manducatis locations- both are awesome, but this is the one where the party is!

We have a lot to celebrate and a lot of work ahead. If you haven't RSVP'd yet please get in touch with Lisa at or 212-531-2858. Tickets start at $175; checks can be made payable to Katz for Queens and mailed to 193 Malcolm X Blvd, Suite 1, New York, NY 10026.

Contributions are matched by the NYC Campaign Finance Board so please be sure to complete the full form pasted below and mail it in along with your check.
Thanks again, hope to see you next week!



Please join us
Celebrating 20 Years of Public Service For A Reception to Benefit
Melinda Katz
Queens Borough President
With Special Musical Guest
Congressman Joe Crowley and Friends
Monday, May 12th 6:00 - 8:00 PM
Manducatis Rustica
46-33 Vernon Blvd, Long Island City
Ticket Prices:
$1,000 Co-Host
$500 Sponsor
$175 Supporter
**The Maximum Contribution is $3850.
To RSVP, please contact Walter Swett at (212) 531-2858 or
Make checks payable to:
c/o Dynamic SRG, 193 Malcolm X Blvd, Suite 1, New York, NY 10026


Anonymous said...

You have to start early.

It takes a lot of money to run for mayor in this town.

Anonymous said...

She should take some pointers from Brooklyn Boro Pres. Eric Adams, a genuine person who understands what a Boro President should be. He represents Brooklyn very well. Queens got stuck with crap, as usual.

Anonymous said...

She will never change. You work as a public servant because you want to and shouldn't be looking for praise...or money.

Anonymous said...

Have they no shame?

J said...

these 2 have serious problems.bums and drug addicts have more integrity and credibility.

Joe Moretti said...

What the FUCK. Please tell me this is a joke, but of course it is not.

Anonymous said...

A real woman of the people...

Anonymous said...

She still needs to address why she suddenly put an end to distribution of ashes at Boro Hall on Ash Wednesday. A long tradition squashed. She won't get the Catholic vote, that's for sure.

Anonymous said...

Yet another unaccountable mystery group that are encouraging big ticket fund raising for the electeds outside of their communities that leave the locals pretty much out of the loop or influence.

Past and present clients that our team members have worked with:

Martin Heinrich for Senate (NM)

Charlie Rangel for Congress (NY-15)

Joe Crowley for Congress (NY-7)

Carolyn Maloney for Congress (NY-14)

David Weprin for State Assembly

Judge Barbara Jaffe for Surrogate
New York Democratic Lawyers Council

Eliot Spitzer for Governor

David Paterson for Governor

Anonymous said...

Manducatis Rustica

Keep your eyes on this place. Out of nowhere they are like s*ht - everywhere you look.

Wonder how they are plugged in to this toxic stew of our ruling class.

Anonymous said...

Have they no shame?

no, that is not the question... it should be

Have we no sense?

Anonymous said...

Joe Crowley, you can sing all the songs you want. you will never ever get my vote. this is because you refuse to provide services to Americans, refuse to hire Americans in your offices.

too bad I'm not an illegal immigrant or your office would provide constituent services to the likes of me.

the sign on your door reads

You should be ashamed of yourself.

Anonymous said...

"Contributions are matched by the NYC Campaign Finance Board so please be sure to complete the full form pasted below and mail it in along with your check."
- - - - - - - - - -
Starting so soon to raise funds for the next election, more than three years away?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

"Yet another unaccountable mystery group that are encouraging big ticket fund raising for the electeds outside of their communities that leave the locals pretty much out of the loop or influence."
Nothing "Mysterious" about them at
all, do a little digging. The principals are a guy name Walter Swett and another named Darren Rigger
Swett and Rigger are both on face book and they're hiding nothing but ya gotta know where to look

Joe said...

These 2 bullshitters were making political speeches & singing (rather badly) and holding everything up at the New York State pavilion. Now that the news people and cameras are gone NOT ONE PEEP from either one of them!! NOW COMPLETE M.I.A to the so called cause !

Feel shame ? Hell no !!
Sociopaths and liars are not capable of feeling shame and the damage they do because it is there nature !!
The stupid lazy ass of Queens get what they deserve with these two for sitting home eating donuts & watching TV on election night.


Anonymous said...

Shame on Queens for voting for and constantly re-electing these A-Holes.

Anonymous said...

Queens is the laughing stock of NYC and these two are Exhibit A as to the reason.

Anonymous said...

Can't figure out what Swett and Rigger do. Are they just event planners?

Anonymous said...

How did you guys let Alley Katz & Sleazwa get a pass.
They were in the papers again on April 24 & 25.
Evidently the judge ruled in favor of Mary.
She's allowed to use all of the emails and taped conversations, should be very entertaining & enlighting to the character of these two.
Also, I believed he ruled that this deadbeat had to continue child support that was originally agreed to.
Stay tuned !!

Joe said...

""Shame on Queens for voting for and constantly re-electing these A-Holes""

The UN-educated always find sociopaths charming, a-la Hiltler, Charles Manson, Ted Bundy, Josef Mengele, Ivan Boesky, Berlusconi, Bill Clinton, Vladimir Putin, Curtis Sliwa, Donald Trump and--almost ALL your top TV leading fictional characters included

A sociopath is almost always well liked because of their charm and high charisma, great for TV, movies, climbing the corporate ladder, political gain's but in real life they don't give a shit about people (there brains are simply not capable of it and THATS A FACT).
They think mainly of themselves and the power "high" of having control (and fear of losing that control). Sociopaths have complete disregard for rules, ethics and will lie constantly to get what they want.
Thats why these bastards want the next generation of voters currently in the NYC school system dumb and stupid. (easy to control)
---this so they can stay in control looking for the drug of MORE POWER forever.

Queens is really in deep shit with all these sheeple and young illegal immigrant offspring (future sec 8 democrat lifers) who will soon be voting.
My Ridgewood house is not on a landmarked street and I now must sell it before DiBlasio floods all the basements with pregnant single mom sec 8s with hordes of feral children. Property values and quality of life will fall like rocks in places like Ridgewood, Glendale MV.

Anonymous said...

What a pathetic sh★t show this event will be. These loser politicians should do work and something good for Queens instead of running a party to raise money for their shady campaigns and pockets.

Anonymous said...

Naw, don't lose hope people. Those pols go apeshit when we sit here and poke fun at them.

Bit by bit we are eating away at their base - remember we were all taught that pols help us (and they did when we were kids and these ideas were first told to us) but in the last 20 or so years they have gone off on their self-indulgent tangents selling their communities in exchange for donations.

They live in their little worlds. So lets all have fun poking fun at them.

Soon, some of us will graduate from this blog and start to lampoon them in person. Laughing at these pompous assholes drives them up a wall.

This will be soooo de-lite-ful.

Anonymous said...

In the other Boroughs they picket these events - why not do that and do some loud singing of your own and drown their awful singing.

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