Sunday, May 4, 2014

Seeking someone to primary Brown

From The Politicker:

One prominent Queens clergyman is trying to drive his district attorney out of office.

Bishop Charles Norris, an influential southeastern Queens leader, is actively hunting for candidates to defeat incumbent District Attorney Richard Brown, making the case that Mr. Brown’s office is out of step with the borough.

“It’s time for Richard Brown to get out of the office of Queens district attorney,” Mr. Norris told the Observer. “He hasn’t been good for our community, the African-American community.”

Mr. Norris, who founded Bethesda Missionary Baptist Church, went on to accuse Mr. Brown of failing to hire enough minority assistant district attorneys and said he hasn’t been attentive enough to the needs of southeast Queens.

“I’ve been talking to quite a few people and I’m trying to come up with someone or several people to run against D.A. Brown,” Mr. Norris continued, suggesting he’d prefer that Mr. Brown be left off the ballot. “We’re going to talk to our district leaders, current elected officials … We’re going to get someone to run if he’s on the ballot.”

Mr. Brown has been the district attorney since 1991 and rarely faces serious challenges. Some Queens Democrats, however, have privately questioned whether Mr. Brown, who is up for re-election next year, will be in strong enough health to seek another four-year term.

No candidates have emerged yet to take on Mr. Brown, despite Mr. Norris’ early efforts. The bishop claimed to be in discussion with several judges and lawyers. At least one politician, former Councilman Peter Vallone Jr., is also believed to be interested in eventually running for the seat, sources said–though the self-proclaimed conservative Democrat might not be what Mr. Norris has in mind.


Anonymous said...

the bishop ran into a little trouble as the local community is beginning to realize they are about to be displaced:

he has close ties to the vallone crew and would love nothing better than petie coming back to be queens d a.

and you know what? as little petie has let the community know that he is not done with them and wants to plague their miserable lives for another 2 terms the community could not agree more.

Anonymous said...

Brown has not dared to investigate and Dem. County politician. It is always the Feds that go after them.

georgetheatheist said...

"Bishop" Norris. "Mister" Norris.

Which one is it? How does he become a "bishop"? who ordained this fellow? I never see him carrying a staff nor him walking around in robes wearing a pointed hat. All he does it holler his head off at meetings.

"Bishop"? I'm the Pope.

Anonymous said...

We need term limits for all !

Anonymous said...

Considering the way you pontificate, George, it seems like you really believe that!

Anonymous said...

How does he become a "bishop"? who ordained this fellow?

"In some smaller Protestant denominations and independent churches the term bishop is used in the same way as pastor, to refer to the leader of the local congregation, and may be male or female. This usage is especially common in African American churches in the USA." - Wikipedia.

In the early 1990s, when the (predominantly white) faculty at York College were rising up against their heavy-handed (black female) new president, Reverend Norris accused the faculty of being racists and marched through campus naming names of those who led the opposition to the president, no doubt to try to intimidate them.

Anonymous said...

FYI, New York Times article about Reverend Norris and his protests at York College.

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