Friday, May 2, 2014

Queens: More vibrant, diverse and poor than ever!

From the Daily News:

Poverty in Queens rose the most of all five boroughs in the years after the economic crisis — even as the city as a whole largely rebounded, according to new city data.

The poverty rate in Queens jumped to 22 percent in 2012, up from 16 percent in 2008 — bringing the number of people living under the city poverty line to around 500,000.

“I’ve seen some of the changes with my own eyes,” said Councilman Daniel Dromm, whose district in Jackson Heights is among the poorest in the borough. “We get a huge number of constituents coming in who can’t meet rent, are going to be evicted, or are in illegally converted houses as the only way they can put a roof over their head.”

The study by the city Center for Economic Opportunity spotlighted working families and immigrant communities that have borne the brunt of higher rents and tight jobs market.

An additional 7 percent of the city's Asian population — half of whom live in Queens — fell into poverty, bringing the group's poverty rate to 29 percent. It was the largest increase for any single ethnic group, according to the report.


francis said...

Great now the liberals will use this as an excuse to push more white people out of their homes to make way for Asian 'churches'

Anonymous said...

I bet you that the illegals are living better then any of us citizens! Wic checks, foodstamps,section 8 checks, I bet they are laughing at us going to work, meanwhile they get free handouts from the government, send their kids to the same schools all without having to work an on the books job and they pay no taxes!

Anonymous said...

Why is it whenever they do a survey they look at immigrants rates if the citizens of NYC aren't living hand to mouth?

We're Queens, We Can't Have Nice Things said...

Have you ever met a liberal? Why would you make that assumption?

Pretty much everyone in North Flooshing is against all those bullshit churches that are buying up all the beautiful old homes (esp. on Bayside Ave.) and destroying them.

We all suspect that they're not real churches and are used for slave importation and money laundering.

Everyone I know is a liberal and not one person supports those fake churches - so I think you might not have your facts straight.

Back on topic - the larger issue is the number of immigrants - the borough is too crowded. Rents are too high and wages are too low and that's a direct result of too many people!

It's a pity that so many of the educated, upscale people are leaving the borough (after they sell their houses to become churches - lol!)

Deke DaSilva said...

“I’ve seen some of the changes with my own eyes,” said Councilman Daniel Dromm, whose district in Jackson Heights is among the poorest in the borough.

Daniel Dromm's solution:

Have you ever met a liberal?

Pretty much everyone in North Flooshing is against all those bullshit churches

Back on topic - the larger issue is the number of immigrants - the borough is too crowded. Rents are too high and wages are too low and that's a direct result of too many people!

If you truly believe those points that you made, you're probably NOT a liberal. Or, you probably wouldn't publicly state those points, for fear of being called "RACIST!".

Anonymous messages on a blog is one thing. If you stated those points at a dinner party with Daniel Dromm, he'd have you sent to re-education camp in Zimbabwe.

Anonymous said...

NYC has not "rebounded", Wall Street has rebounded thanks to the printing of trillions of new fiat dollars by the FED, thus debasing YOUR purchasing power even more. "Mission accomplished" Bernanke (who now is getting $250k per speech).

Anonymous said...

Lets bring in more uneducated, unemployed, ignorant, illiterate, and uncultured people from savage lands.

That will surely fix the problem.

Not all immigration is bad, but anyone with a bit of money or an education that can get them a job skips queens. Queens is the dumping ground for the rest.

Anonymous said...

People moved into Dromm's district without a job or prospects for getting one.

All these new Queens residents need food, shelter, education, and medical care. They can't afford it. That makes them poor. This is no mystery.

Hey! Don't move from where to are to Queens without having a job, or the skills necessary to get a job. Be a burden to the people who live where you already live.

Anonymous said...

Don't bash the immigrants - they are doing what our grand parents did and we would if under their situation and more importantly, given the opportunity and ENCOURAGEMENT to come here, live like that, and act like that by (drum roll) OUR POLITICIANS!!!

Street renaming and churning out mural sized proclamations of nothing and useless petty laws that are ignored by pretty much everyone except the city inspector are not enough on their own if there was not the distraction of 'helping the immigrants!'.

Naw, they would get drawn away from building their careers and FORCED to help communities rather than developers.

That is a slipperly slope people, because if it looked like politics might be useful, useful people would get drawn to it and those in office would end up where they deserve - clerks in some city agency.

Snake Plissskin said...

Rest of the city is going forward and Queens is still stuck in 1980.

Anonymous said...

"Our grandparents" had the requirement for legal immigration status to have employment or have someone financially sponsor you so that you did not go on public assistance.

Anonymous said...

Don't bash the immigrants - they are doing what our grand parents did and we would if under their situation and more importantly, given the opportunity and ENCOURAGEMENT to come here, live like that, and act like that by (drum roll) OUR POLITICIANS!

There was not alot of welfare back then to begin with...ask my father who is 72 years old! You were either dirt poor and lived through church handouts or you had money through decent paying jobs. 3 out of 4 of my grandparents were born here and they worked and paid taxes.

Bnc626 said...

If you truly believe those points that you made, you're probably NOT a liberal. Or, you probably wouldn't publicly state those points, for fear of being called "RACIST!".

Anonymous messages on a blog is one thing. If you stated those points at a dinner party with Daniel Dromm, he'd have you sent to re-education camp in Zimbabwe.

I'll be more than happy to say it in their face. If they don't like it, then they can go back home! You really think that these people don't talk about you when you go to their countries?

Unknown said...

European immigrants BUILT neighborhoods. Their own schools, churches and stores. They kept the neighborhood clean and safe. They learned the language and took pride in being American. My grandparents referred to their homeland of Poland, as the "old country," and not "in my country," as I hear "new immigrants," say everyday. There is a difference, and even my African-American friend's complain about the new invasion of immigrants. They feel that they are taking up space in schools, causing rent increases, longer waiting lines in hospitals, etc.

Anonymous said... 1975 ,when the NAACP filed suit to integrate Campus Mag. H.S.(then A. Jackson ), I had just bought my house in Bayside. I vowed to expose the pols who were supporting this" bound to fail experiment with my children.
to my amazement all queens/nyc dems supported this hundreds of billions taxpayer waste over 30 years.

SCOTUS ,in 2007 held this social engineering "UNCONSTITUTIONAL". the experiment failed and much $$$$ was lost.

I was correct.....many in Queens labeled me a RACIST. I only wanted my children to go to P.S. in my area????

if one hides their opposition to a prog.dem.marxist assault,because of a race slur
they have won and you have lost.

Anonymous said...

European immigrants BUILT neighborhoods. Their own schools, churches and stores. They kept the neighborhood clean and safe. They learned the language and took pride in being American. My grandparents referred to their homeland of Poland, as the "old country," and not "in my country," as I hear "new immigrants," say everyday. There is a difference, and even my African-American friend's complain about the new invasion of immigrants. They feel that they are taking up space in schools, causing rent increases, longer waiting lines in hospitals, etc.


Anonymous said...

Queens is jacked up because xenophobic simpletons making idiotic comments lack awareness of the real problem. The poor and immigrants are always the first to be blamed when things go bad, that's how it's always been. I've seen two commenters point the finger at the Fed, Bernanke, and Wallstreet. TWO.

Joe Moretti said...

Some of today's immigrants, especially from the Middle East, India, Pakistan and Mexico are a far cry from the immigrants who first arrived here. Granted there are less good paying jobs than back in the days when manufacturing, steel mills and coal mine were running full blast, but this new batch of immigrants have a totally different type of ethic. They do not feel like this is their country and constantly talk about "their country". Many do not even bother to learn the language and few attempt to assimilate to the USA. They also tend to not change negative behavior that they came with such as littering, which is commonplace in many of these countries.

Some have the nerve when they make up such a small percentage of the population, like Muslims, to want to have an official holiday. Give me a fucking break, you should have stayed in your own country, but you know damn well, you would not have the freedom to do such bullshit in your country you constantly call home.

Anonymous said...

Commenter above: you have to be kidding me. Have you heard of Tammany Hall?

Don't get me wrong, the fact that Queens has a 22% poverty rate should be front page news. There was probably a time when the poverty rate here was close to zero. Blaming immigrants gets old. We've always had an extraordinarily high immigrant population in Queens. You can trash the cutting down of trees and distateful architecture, but chill out on blaming people for their own poverty.

Anonymous said...

at one point queens county recorded more minorities earning more $$$$$, than the supposed "RICH" Caucasians. Andy Young was wrong then when he said that queens county was the most racist in the U.S.

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