Sunday, May 11, 2014

Happy Mothers Day from Queens Crap!


georgetheatheist said...

Evan: "Gak! Can I crawl back into the womb?"

georgetheatheist said...

Toby: Trick or teat!"

Anonymous said...

More prune juice please.

Anonymous said...

Crappy...glad to see that you put a hat on Moby so I can tell which end I'm looking at!

Stay up wind from those two...PHEW!

J said...

I haven't seen such inappropriate photoshop since south park placed david hasselhoff's head on mr. garrisons body

Anonymous said...

This is going to give me nightmares. Thanks a bunch, Crappy!

Anonymous said...

OMG ... it's a beached whale. Is anyone here a marine biologist?

Anonymous said...

This is classic Crap! It deserves The Mound Award!

Anonymous said...

Big Mound Award.

Anonymous said...

Too funny!

Anonymous said...

I wonder if John Liu...running for whatever. office he thinks he can get...will be using Evan Stavisky's Parkside again.

You see...the laugh's on us. Evan keeps making money at our expense no matter what. Better wise up you dumb ass Queens voters.

Anonymous said...

Toby's face is a proctologist's nightmare.
Nose clip required for any brave doctor willing to scope her sphincter-face.

Anonymous said...

Evan! Go to Law School! Get a Doctorate like your Father! Stop slopping around already!

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