Friday, May 2, 2014

F train derails in Woodside

From CBS:

A Brooklyn-bound F train derailed Friday morning in Woodside, Queens.
The derailment happened at around 10:40 a.m. in a tunnel at 65th and Broadway.
The MTA reports the train was on the express tracks.
The FDNY is using access points to get to the subway and bring stretchers to the train.
There have been several minor injuries, according to CBS 2′s Kathryn Brown.


Anonymous said...

Can the late 1970s please go away

Anonymous said...

Late 1970s Yep no shit The big fat Norwegian rat's are back getting caught in the track switches !
I saw one dragging a whole garbage bag like a raccoon on the G.
10 Years of garbage must litter all the tracks in Queens, these rats use it to make nests.

Anonymous said...

Remind me again how brilliant a manager mayor Bloombucks was when he had 12 years in office to make the subways a priority and did squat? (Oh yeah - besides extending the #7 to the West Side so that his wealthy developer buddies could peddle their new luxury condo frontier)

Anonymous said...

Any elected officials around to help out? Perhaps the Queens Boro President could have been on the scene to see how the evacuation was going?? Just a thought...

Anonymous said...

Cuomo just gave the twu a contract without raising fares or state contribution to the MTA by cutting payments to pensions and the capital plan. With the like of muscle car Cuomo running things this will become a regular occurrence.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps the Queens Boro President could have been on the scene to see how the evacuation was going??

By that you mean get in the way of helping injured new yorkers removing a heavy train and repairing tracks as needes so some idiot can get their picture in the newspaper? Events like this beg for self serving politicians to stay away. Their job starts later. Figure out what went wrong, how we can keep it from happening again, and what we can do better next time something like this happens to reduce the pain and suffering to those injured, and the inconvenience to those without a train, and break through the beaurocratic inertia that is likely hesitant to change anything.

Anonymous said...

Events like this beg for self serving politicians to stay away.
I beg to disagree - they are loath to show up anytime something goes bad - remember the hurricanes or the blackouts and they were MIA?

Things blow up when you use them beyond their original intent - we are pushing the infrastructure in NYC to beyond its designed limits.

Anonymous said...

Routine maintenance gets no ribbon cutting ceremonies. Where did all the cuts in Bloomberg's maintenance budget go ? I'll tell you, to hire more connected nepotic friends and family. More upper managers and vice presidents don't keep the city running it's the "grunts" on the ground that do all the work.

Anonymous said...

that 'bloomberg' budget was voted by your city councilman.

Anonymous said...

This is the first derailment in a year. One is too many, but how is this a return to the 1970s?

J said...

I am surprise this didn't happen sooner,the MTA was so busy modernizing stations in the city like the ferry stops in manhattan and the whitehall stop(which Is Out Of service)the unnecessary 7 extension and trying to make the subway wifi accessible.Important things like track repair and replacement had to be set aside.

watch out if there is a derailment on the El.

Anonymous said...

"How is this a return to the 1970s?"
Are leisure suits and Bell-bottomed pants making a comeback ?

Anonymous said...

The 1970's are looking better and better in New York considering what's been in power the last 12 years.

Anonymous said...

Question: They've been working on this section of tracks on weekends for ages. Does anyone else see the connection with the work done and this derailment?

Anonymous said...

Anon No. 14:

They're working on other things in the are, not the tracks.

Anonymous said...

Anon No. 12: For the sake of good taste in clothing, one would hope not.

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