Saturday, May 10, 2014

Condos coming to Parkway Hospital site

From Brownstoner Queens:

The Parkway Hospital, vacant and in disrepair since 2008, is going condo. Real estate investment firm Jasper Venture Group of New York released a press release on its plans for the Forest Hills site. It looks like a demolition is coming: “Though the hospital is over 100,000 square feet, Jasper wants to increase its size. Rebuilding condominiums from the ground up will breathe new life into the idle site.” Jasper has not yet released any information on the design or the timeframe for construction.


Anonymous said...

don't get sick or injured everybody.

Anonymous said...

ok with me as long as they build parking

Anonymous said...

Condos, condos, condos coming EVERYWHERE. I swear I read a few blogs and a few newspapers and it makes it seems like anything that is abandoned or foreclosed turn into condos.

Anonymous said...

Thought it would have been senior housing or a's going to be a mighty big structure either way.

Anonymous said...

Domino Sugar = soon to be condos. Pepsi & LIC waterfront - condos. Hallets cover warehouses - soon to be condos. Waterside power plant - soon to be condos. All along the high line... condos! Eagle Electric's factories - almost all condos now. Steinway Mansion - soon to be shredded internally and have a condo plopped on its lawn.

Condos, Condos, Condos.

Unless you're in Harlem or the Bronx - where washburn wire and the cold storage by yankee stadium both became malls.

Condos are NYC's new religion.

Anonymous said...

Wow just in time more condos. Queens, land of the condos.

Anonymous said...

Jasper Venture Group has been in existence for barely one year. I hope they know what they are doing. I hope we don't end up with a real estate eyesore in our neighborhood.

Anonymous said...

Jasper Venture Group has been in existence for barely one year. I hope they know what they are doing

I would suggest that they don't... the hospital and parking lot are located in an R1-2A detached single-family zone. It's what they call a legal non-conforming soon as they demolish it, they will lose that status.

To get a zoning change from R1*2A to a high density apartment zone is next to impossible, and Venture has already stated that they want to build even bigger than the existing footprint of the hospital.

The other parties that were looking at the property all walked away from anything but hospital usage because they knew that building a new tall apartment building was not going to be approved.

Paul Graziano

Anonymous said...

Katz will make sure it gets pushed through. You can bet on it. After all, these are Russian developers, and they have plenty of cash. And guess who's trying to build her war chest.... already?

Anonymous said...

Mayor De Blasio will likely approve a super tall apartment tower as long as there are enough affordable units in it.

If the construction workers are unionized and employed by a Minority or Woman-owned company, expect more floors to be approved.

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