Monday, May 5, 2014

Bratton not excited about NYC ID cards

From the Daily News:

As immigrants urged the City Council to create a municipal photo ID card, Police Commissioner Bill Bratton said Wednesday that he has “concerns” about the program.

Bratton said he supports the general concept of an ID card, but that it would be a challenge to make it tamper-proof.

“Certainly, we would have concerns as to the validation process going forward,” he said. “The devil is going to be in the details.”

As he spoke, the Council heard testimony from supporters of the cards, which would be available to undocumented immigrants.

Advocates said transgender people, the elderly, New Yorkers who don’t drive, and the homeless could also benefit from the cards.

IDs are readily available to transgender people, the elderly and New Yorkers who don't drive via the DMV. The homeless can obtain assistance from their social workers. Shouldn't we be referring people to existing resources rather than introducing a new bloated government system? And how exactly do they plan to verify the identity of an illegal alien? Have someone vouch for them?


Anonymous said...

Illegals most likely have a passport from their country. Of course, 90 percent of Mexicans passports are not stamped (because most just jumped over the border), but for those that live in other countries, they have passports that the visa is expired. Nonetheless, they do have these passports. I use to work in a city hospital, so I would see these illegals all the time. Mostly I would see illegal Russians or illegal Hispanics from Mexico or south American countries. Here's a fact for the city hospital, if you can not afford your bills, you could go to them and bring proof of your income and they will "fee scale" you. So the more you make, the more you will have to pay through fee scaling. But get this, if an illegal came in, they were only charged 10 bucks.....they proved their "income" by bringing in hand written notes from their employers. 10 was always the charge for an illegal.... but if you were a citizen, the least you were "fee scaled" for was 15 dollars and higher (depending on your actual pay stub or ss checks or your disability checks) . In the end, the illegals always got to pay only 10 bucks meanwhile a citizen had to pay a minimum of 15 bucks....pretty messed up if you ask me!

Anonymous said...

Liberalism is a mental disorder with a death wish attached.

Anonymous said...

Its at the point now where illegals have more rights than US citizens.

I would love to stroll into Mexico and demand the shit these people demand. I would be laughed out of the country. But we entertain it with open arms for some reason here, and if you speak out against it you are an evil immigrant hater, even though all of your hard earned taxes are paying for their healthcare, free schooling, food, and housing assistance.

Anonymous said...

I think when they implement this I will get one of those id'd so I can get food stamps, free health care, welfare etc. since it is becoming way to expensive for working citizens to live and raise a family here.

Anonymous said...

Liberalism is a mental disease !

Anonymous said...

This id will be issued to people presenting no documentation or documentation trivial to forge. It will be useless for anything other than whatever the city imposes on us to accept it.

There is no way this city-issued id will be accepted for employment by the city or anything where a serious id backed by a birth certificate is required now.

Anonymous said...

'This id will be issued to people presenting no documentation or documentation trivial to forge. It will be useless for anything other than whatever the city imposes on us to accept it.

There is no way this city-issued id will be accepted for employment by the city or anything where a serious id backed by a birth certificate is required now.'

'The bill as written calls for strong documentation like passports, foreign consular IDs and birth certificates, and for various ways of proving New York City residency.'

Anonymous said...

Sure, go and read the linked article. For the sake of public acceptance they may say "strong documentation" but there is simply no incentive to make it so in practice.

Since none of the paperwork presented to obtain the id is copied, there's no ability to determine if there was fraud in its issuance.

It is the perfect vehicle for creating fictitious ids. It is nothing but a supermarket discount card.

Anonymous said...

Impanted RFID chips for everyone

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