Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Another one bites the dust?

From the Observer:

Queens City Councilman Ruben Wills was arrested early this morning by State Attorney General Eric Schneiderman’s office, a law enforcement official has confirmed.

Mr. Wills, along with a relative Jelani Mills, were taken into custody this morning at around 7 a.m., according to the source, who declined to describe their relationship, but said that Mr. Mills worked in Mr. Wills’ office.

The source declined to discuss the charges against the the men, but the Daily News reported in 2012 that Mr. Schneiderman’s office was investigating a $33,000 state grant that allegedly went missing after being doled out to a nonprofit linked to Mr. Wills, who will be arraigned in Queens criminal court later today.

Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito called the allegations “troubling” in a statement responding to the news.

“The City Council takes these troubling allegations from the New York State Attorney General very seriously and will be reviewing them thoroughly,” she said. “New Yorkers expect and deserve a government that is ethical and responsible and that is the standard we’re seeking to uphold.”

Mr. Wills, a Democrat representing southeast Queens, will be stripped of his power to allocate member items, which will instead be doled out by the speaker’s office and the Queens delegation chair, a council official said.

I guess Shirley squealed.


Joe Moretti said...

One of my favorite ebony clowns of Jamaica getting his just rewards.

I guess this is the only way to clean house in the political garbage cesspool here in Jamaica known as the "Good Ole Boys Club".

Anonymous said...

That would be Shirley Huntley, dear readers.

Anonymous said...

Joe, I hope all of your other wishes come true so that Jamaica can get the honest , hardworking leadership it deserves! Looks like Shirley Huntley taught him well.

Anonymous said...

Is it legal in the state to hire your family in public service positions?

That just seems like basic Rule # 1 you should NOT be allowed that.

ron s said...

Why not pre-emptively arrest all Council members, Assembly members and State Senators? It would save time and trouble.

Anonymous said...

Just heard the Huntley is out of jail and stated that she will run for office again. What a piece of crap!

Anonymous said...

Another thug politician in Queens.

Anonymous said...

And of course he immediately tries to play the race card.

His skin color is good when he is looking for votes in his district, but its bad when you try to make him play by the rules.

Anonymous said...

I guess Shirley squealed.

If Shirley was wearing a wire, she didn't have to squeal - the fools implicated themselves.

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