Sunday, May 4, 2014

A lot of people want to leave

From Patch:

More than 40 percent of New Yorkers surveyed in a recent Gallup poll said they would leave the state if they could.

Of all 50 states surveyed, New York tied New Jersey and Massachusetts for sixth place–at 41 percent–for the highest percentage of residents who would head for another state if given the chance.

The poll dug a little deeper, too, and asked residents if they were actually planning to move out of the state sometime in the next 12 months. Of those in New York who answered yes (16 percent), here are their reasons why:

Work/Business-related: 15%
Family/Friends: 16%
Weather/Location: 8%
Quality of Life/Change: 5%
School-related: 6%
Cost of Living: 21%
Taxes: 14%


Anonymous said...

So all the liberal virus scum that infected and ruined NY want to spread to another part of the host to infect the healthy sections of the USA? Disgusting. NY is a vile vile cesspool of progressive pond scum.

Anonymous said...

Goodbye and good luck

Anonymous said...

Yeah, but how many upstate vs. in NYC feel that?

Anonymous said...

I wonder what States they would be moving to ?
To me Upstate N.Y. is great but it has high property taxes .

J said...

I want to leave because I can't afford to live here,yet I can't because I can't afford to leave here.

NY is Purgatory.99% in limbo.

Anonymous said...

If I didn't have a good job here I'd pack my bags and leave. What better than living upstate with no one around for miles?

Anonymous said...

I'm leaving NYC as soon as my house closes.....goodbye NYC.....the foreigners and illegals can have you now.

Jean-Paul Sartre said...

NY is Purgatory.99% in limbo.

What better than living upstate with no one around for miles?

L'enfer, c'est les autres.

Anonymous said...

Anon 7: Where are you going? To the Bundy Ranch?

Anonymous said...

Haha these comments are stupid. NYC will always be desirable and expensive to leave. Deal with it and shut up. Do something useful like helping your community for positive changes and making a difference. But you are useless so now go to your cabin or hut in the woods. Goodbye!

Anonymous said...

Detroit was once a very desirable and thriving city. Look what happen to Detroit. All the taxes the city collects but yet the services it provides are less than acceptable.

Anonymous said...

"So all the liberal virus scum that infected and ruined NY want to spread to another part of the host to infect the healthy sections of the USA?" I totally agree. These 'tards (and turds) bring along their NY values to these red states and start electing liberals who will do nothing but raise your taxes and create underclasses to siphon money from the city treasuries. See Texas, North Carolina as examples.

Anonymous said...

Moscow on the Hudson.....70 years of progressive.communist infiltrated democrat party government comrades have had their way with the citizen's tax $$$$$$$$.

Anonymous said...

A lot of people have and are leaving. Two congressional districts were lost in Brooklyn/Queens recently . I believe that is nearly 200,000 citizens. probably replaced by illegal aliens riding the school buses ,attending the P.S's,using the hospital E/R's(no payment), and voting twice for Santa Claus dem/prog. politicians, who give outrageous salary and benefit raises to the PUBLIC UNION workers.

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