Friday, April 4, 2014

More time for alternate side parkers

From the Daily News:

A city councilman is launching a new push for a revolutionary change to the dreaded alternate-side-of-the-street parking regulations.

If successful, it would give millions of car owners something special: the gift of time.

The regulations ban parking for a period of time — usually 90 minutes — to allow street sweepers to pass through.

Under the proposal by Councilman Ydanis Rodriguez (D-Manhattan), drivers could legally take parking spots once the street sweeper passed by — ending the need for drivers to wait inside their cars until the no-parking time period lapses.

Rodriguez, a former cab driver, also wants to make sure drivers sitting in their cars with the engine running do not get ticketed for idling.

"It's common sense," said Rodriguez. "This bill would help middle-class and working-class people of this city."


Anonymous said...

Yes it's common sense to have cars up and down the block idling. Nothing helps 'middle-class' and 'working-class' people of this city like polluted air. Of course one wonders why those working class people have a couple hours in the middle of the day during the week to sit in their cars doing nothing.

Anonymous said...

Non-starter idea. The brownies don't follow the street sweeper and won't know when it passed. They wait until 2 seconds after alt side parking starts and race down the street giving out as many tickets as they possibly can - then often come back and see if anyone was stupid enough to park before the time is up.

A better idea would be to simply reduce our complete batshit insane alt side parking rules. Many parts of the city don't have them and are no more dirty than those that do. Most other cities also have a single day per month of alt side parking. In NYC we often have it every day or every other day. Why? Because the city wants revenue from taxing drivers every chance they get.

To change the rules would mean less money for the city. They're not going to do it. If they do change anything, they'll make alt side 2 or 3 times a day so they can get even more (*&(&^ money and racket up their war against drivers even more.

Anonymous said...

But this would cost the City $ millions in fines!

Anonymous said...

Streets need to be cleaned once a week. People just don't clean up in front of their homes any more.

A Better NYC said...

Ha,ha,ha, ha, ha.....that's a good one...STREET SWEEPERS?!?!

I haven't seen a street sweeper pass through my neighborhood in years!!!

Alternate Side Parking's primary purpose is to generate revenue from taxpayers who simply forget to move their cars.

It has NOTHING to do with sweeping the streets.

U. N. Owen said...

It's not like the street sweepers are actually cleaning the streets anyway.

Every time I see one passing by, it is successful in raising a lot of dust in the air (especially on dry days) and leaves most of the litter behind anyway.

Anonymous said...

I'd like to see the before and after pictures of the street sweepers. They are ineffective, but the city has come to depend the revenue from the tickets.

Anonymous said...

An "Idea" by an empty suit politician for his newsletter to constituents to show how he's "Fighting for them" Even though he knows this will go nowhere. Wake up voters

Anonymous said...

Re: A Better NYC
"I haven't seen a street sweeper pass through my neighborhood in years!!!"

Just because you haven't seen them doesn't mean they're not running. If you think there's no street cleaning on your block, set up a camera and record the street in front of your residence during the those days. If you get proof, send copies to QC and media loving pols.

Anonymous said...

I live in Astoria and the street sweeper goes down my block everyday. Letting people idol in their cars is stupid and if there was no alternate side parking the streets would be even dirtier and people would never move there junk ass cars leaving no parking for the people who commute to work.

Anonymous said...

Alternate side parking is a scam but is better than in some neighborhoods in Queens where homeowners hog parking spots with project cars they never use for months at a time. I would rather have alternate parking than no parking.

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