Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Long Island town cracks down on illegal conversions


Anonymous said...

Oh yea !
They kick everybody out, padlock the door and jail the owner's. Its even more strict on the North Fork.

Anonymous said...

Wish Flushing Queens had enforcement like this. All the DOB dose on my block in North Flushing when I file a complaint with 311 is leave a form letter called a LS4 stating INSPECTOR UNABLE TO GAIN ACCESS
LS4 POSTED ! That's it, no inspection and no fine for the greedy law breaking home owner while we all suffer a diminished quality of life.

Anonymous said...

Hey De Blasio -

Take some notes! We have illegal conversions (and illegals!) all over North Flooshing! And illegal hotels!!!!

Joe Moretti said...

Simple measures that should be used in all of NYC for all quality of life issues. Change the laws to reflect the situation.

"Nip it in the bud". Something that was never done with any quality of life issues especially in Queens.

Come in LEADERS, grow balls and stand up for what the majority of people want.

Anonymous said...

Sounded GRAT until:

"Inspections without notice"

- by what authority? 4th amendment violation?

Anonymous said...

Sorry guys

The machine wants illegal conversions - chases out you pain in the ass types in favor of passive illegals and the needy that give our elected welfare cred and good photo ops.

Anonymous said...

"Sounded GREAT until:

"Inspections without notice"

- by what authority? 4th amendment violation?


That is what will do it-in.

Some inspector and cop will push their way into a home where the occupants don't speak much English. They'll throw everybody out and close up the property.
Later it will be found that the owner and his relatives live there and are legal.

Civil rights action and lawsuits will beat this effort back into the closet. It only takes ONE very public incident like this.

That is why NYC doesn't do this sort of thing.

Anonymous said...

"That is what will do it-in."

As well damn it should! Surprised more people on this thread haven't piped up about it, particularly the resident libertarian Georgetheatheist.

Unannounced warrantless searches? Do these people graduate high school without even a unit on US govt.?

Anonymous said...

Annual inspections by the Fire Department will do just fine to end most of the illegal apartments.

Anonymous said...

As much as i hate what is done with illegal conversions, i value private property rights more.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

If illegal renters knew that by law they don't have to pay rent and how hard it is to get rid of them...............

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